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Topic: RE: Mild Sleep apnea versus severe....
I also have mild sleep apnea but doctor said insureance would not approve a cpap how did you get yours I am so tired of not sleeping at night.
Topic: RE: Problems with keeping mask on and skin redness
I have had a CPAP for years and wore a mask that covered my nose, I constantly got chaffing, pimples, bruising from it. Recently went for a follow up study ( I didn't think my machine setting was correct) anyways got a new mask and mask has nasal pillows, I like but have some problems with leakage, even using the largest size, but my new setting is 12 (old was 5) and I now have a ramp button, my old one didn' first I used the ramp all the time, now I feel like its not enough air and just put on mask at full 12.
I still have problems with taking it off when I'm still asleep, but that gets better with time.
Good Luck
Topic: RE: Mild Sleep apnea versus severe....
If you require a machine, I would think that would automatically work in your favor for approval for wls.
Topic: RE: NEED HELP!!!!!
Try using it during times when you are awake. You need to get used to using the mask and feeling the air. Use it wile watching tv and things like that. Worked for me.
My insurance has covered my cpap from the beginning and I have had one since about the year 2000. As you aren't certain when you will need to come off the machine, it is best to keep your doctors informed and to follow their instructions. One thing they look for is that you can be compliant with their directions in order to have surgery.
I did bring my cpap to the hopsital but never used it. I am now off of the cpap after 8 years. I do still use it from time to time if I feel stuffy or am just concerned about falling asleep and sleeping wel.
Good luck!
Topic: RE: Problems with keeping mask on and skin redness
I used to have that problem in the beginning of using a cpap. i honestly don't recall what I did. I would recommend you call your doctor as maybe you need a different mask and a different setting. It sounds like the humidifier isn't giving your enough moisture. I also put pillows next to me so I wouldn't roll over and twist myself up in the hose. I now only turn in one direction when I sleep. I used to flip flop all over.
Best of luck to you!
as a nurse and a fellow pt on cpap, you need to tell your doctor, At the Univ of Missouri Baratrics you stay in ICU the first night if you have sleep apnea. This can be very serious as nickie stated, if you become apnic and your airway closes off on the heavy pain meds post op. Anasthesia will also need to know so they can intabate you ASAP as you are groogy. Usally you rent a CPAP machine for 12-13monthes then you have bought it. So if you only need it 3 or 4 monthes you don't have to bu it.
Topic: RE: Problems with keeping mask on and skin redness
I also suffered from the Chafing on my upper lip/under my nose, for awhile. I used neosporin before bed and lantispetic oint(over the counter as your local pharmacy, Like $5.00 for 4oz jar) in the am in a thin layer. I also later swiched to the Swift mask that doesn't have that much pressureunder nose yet stayes in place, as i toss and turn from side to side. After you are getting 8hrs of rest hopefully the sleepiness will go away.
turned in all paper work/labs, awaiting a dr. visit call to schedule first appt.
It is very important to tell the doctor that you have sleep apnea I have it serverely But i Have not yet had the surgery, i will on the 27th.
If you have sleep apnea it is important to tell because while you are in the hospital you will be under strong pain meds after. It is very dangerous to have sleep apnea and not where the cpap mask because being heavily sedated will put you in a deep sleep that may be hard to wake up from when you have episodes of apnea during sleep. Having sleep apnea will not keep you from having surgery it makes you better prepared. I'm surprised your doctor doesnt require you to have a sleep study.
Topic: Problems with keeping mask on and skin redness
I have been using a cpap machine since the begining of the year. I have yet to wear it all night. I end up taking it off at about 2:30-3:30 in the morning. Mostly because it actually starts to hurt from what feels like chafing around my nose. I have a mask that goes over the nose and the hose swivels all the way around. I'm a stomach sleeper and I tried the nose pillows and that limited the positions I could sleep in and I couldn't get a good seal. I am also on Ambien to help me get to sleep. What I do to keep the mask on? What about the redness/raw feeling I get? I do have a humidifier on the machine and its on the lowest setting possible. Its also made me break out so bad in one spot where the mask rests that I am getting scarred from it. Its like a pimple that won't go away.
I am also dealing with extreme tiredness even if I feel like I got a good nites sleep. I'll get up at 7:30 which is a normal time for me and then in about an hour or two. I'm so tired I need a nap. I have no energy to do anything! Help!!!