Scared s***less about a c- sec.
I had a schduled c/s 11 years ago (although it doesn't seem that long ago, LOL)
I personally didn't like it one bit. The drugs they gave me kept making me sleepy. I was NOT prepared for the gas pains afterward either. I could barely walk upright and I, too, hated the pain.
It was my first baby and I had no help available to me (new town and all family refused to come help (it was 5 days after Christmas - yah I felt loved, it was even the FIRST grandchild on both sides - sigh). I had difficulties breastfeeding and I was not prepared for much of anything. You at least have had experience with a child before so I am sure it'll be a little easier.
I made it through, though. It was TOUGH on me and I was overly emotional because I had so little sleep, didn't get the birth I wanted, BF wasn't going well, had bad nurses who yelled at me and no familial help.
My mom had twins and she always recommends schedules too. Get a dry erase board and keep track of as much as possible. Try (and I know how impossible this can be) and get all kids to nap together at least once throughout the day so you can sleep too.
If you can't get them to nap at the same time, try setting up a "safe room". A room where your toddler can't get out of, a place where you can sleep in (couch, mattress, bed, air mattress, something), with maybe a PNP for the babies to sleep in too. Have lots of toys available with a TV and either shows ready or VDO's ready. This way you can sleep knowing your toddler isn't roaming the house getting into things they shouldn't be.
I know it sounds like "bad parenting" to let a TV babysit for you while you nap, but if mommy is exhausted, trying to heal, and everything else, it probably would be better for TV to babysit for a little while than to go all Andrea Yates on them, ya know!
Do what you got to do to get some sleep when you can. It'll be extremely difficult for a few weeks since you won't be allowed to lift your toddler up and that will be really hard for them to understand as you constantly have to hold, feed and change 2 babies. Your 2yo will adjust and so will you. As time passes and schedules become more clear and you are more healed and routines are established things will start to feel more normal and you ALL will start settling.
I am thankful to have 7 older kids that can help in one degree or another. I know some have had easier c/s than others and my was not easy on me. I hope yours will be easier on you and you heal fast.
If you have friends try setting up some playdates for your son so friends can either take your son for a few hours or they can come over and help watch your son and help you with the twins.
Good Luck! I think you will do fine and things will work out one way or another.
{{{HUGS}}} We look forward to pictures of the twins (I'm jealous I've always wanted twins.)
I personally didn't like it one bit. The drugs they gave me kept making me sleepy. I was NOT prepared for the gas pains afterward either. I could barely walk upright and I, too, hated the pain.

It was my first baby and I had no help available to me (new town and all family refused to come help (it was 5 days after Christmas - yah I felt loved, it was even the FIRST grandchild on both sides - sigh). I had difficulties breastfeeding and I was not prepared for much of anything. You at least have had experience with a child before so I am sure it'll be a little easier.
I made it through, though. It was TOUGH on me and I was overly emotional because I had so little sleep, didn't get the birth I wanted, BF wasn't going well, had bad nurses who yelled at me and no familial help.
My mom had twins and she always recommends schedules too. Get a dry erase board and keep track of as much as possible. Try (and I know how impossible this can be) and get all kids to nap together at least once throughout the day so you can sleep too.
If you can't get them to nap at the same time, try setting up a "safe room". A room where your toddler can't get out of, a place where you can sleep in (couch, mattress, bed, air mattress, something), with maybe a PNP for the babies to sleep in too. Have lots of toys available with a TV and either shows ready or VDO's ready. This way you can sleep knowing your toddler isn't roaming the house getting into things they shouldn't be.
I know it sounds like "bad parenting" to let a TV babysit for you while you nap, but if mommy is exhausted, trying to heal, and everything else, it probably would be better for TV to babysit for a little while than to go all Andrea Yates on them, ya know!
Do what you got to do to get some sleep when you can. It'll be extremely difficult for a few weeks since you won't be allowed to lift your toddler up and that will be really hard for them to understand as you constantly have to hold, feed and change 2 babies. Your 2yo will adjust and so will you. As time passes and schedules become more clear and you are more healed and routines are established things will start to feel more normal and you ALL will start settling.
I am thankful to have 7 older kids that can help in one degree or another. I know some have had easier c/s than others and my was not easy on me. I hope yours will be easier on you and you heal fast.
If you have friends try setting up some playdates for your son so friends can either take your son for a few hours or they can come over and help watch your son and help you with the twins.
Good Luck! I think you will do fine and things will work out one way or another.
{{{HUGS}}} We look forward to pictures of the twins (I'm jealous I've always wanted twins.)
Visit us at Motherhood after WLS !
Mom to 8 ~ Adelyn Grace arrived July 8, 2010!

I had a c-section with my twins, but similar in the fact that I didnt really have any help bc of my hubby's work schedule. You can do it! The ONLY problem I had was sitting up from flat on my back...but to fix that I just rolled off the bed lol.
Whatever task you are given, you can's all about your willpower :) keep us updated and good luck!
Whatever task you are given, you can's all about your willpower :) keep us updated and good luck!
Hey. Ok, i'm gonna be honest with you. You have NOTHING to worry about. When I had my first child 5 year ago, I weighed 375 pounds. I was SO sad when the doctor told me I would have to have a c-section after laboring for nearly 12 hours. People have always made c-sections out to be this horrid affair. I have a pain tolerance of about 0, so if I bump into a wall, i'm crying. lol. I can honestly say, it was not bad at all. I think the doctor cutting you above your skin fold is really smart. You will heal much quicker. We are on a very tight budget, and when I had my son, my husband could only be off work enough for me to have my child, then a day afterwards. Granted, I didnt have a 2 year old to chase like you do, but I promise, your stressing about nothing. Good luck and i will keep you in my prayers. Its all gonna work out. After its over with, your gonna think..hmmmm, that wasnt bad at all!!!
God never promised it would be easy, but he did promise it would be worth it.
thanks... I think I am over thinking about this... with me being cut above the belly button I am thinking back to my bypass incision and how bad it hurt... My daughter is a handful but at the same time I think she can help me a lot, cuz she is so smart and helps me now when I ask her to pick up stuff and throw things out in the garbage and she walks up and down stairs by herself and gets up and down off of furniture so I wont have to lift her... I will update asap after as I can...