Baby Shower Blues/Family Rant
Okay... where do I even begin..! Sorry this is long and all over the place.. I'm preggo and hormonal LOL so bear with me!
DH and I got married almost three years ago. Because he was on a military course when we decided to get married, and also because we didn't have very much money at the time, we opted to do a civil ceremony and not a big fancy wedding due to neither of us wanting to carry a huge amount of debt just for getting married. At that time, my Mom and sister did not so much as give us a wedding gift, much less a card though they did both attend the ceremony at city hall and the pizza lunch WE hosted and paid for after our ceremony.
Fast Forward to present day - we are pregnant with our first child and my sister is currently at home on maternity leave after having her third baby last June. Not long ago, she asked me what I was planning to do about a baby shower and I said at the time that I wasn't sure I wanted one - that getting gifts and free stuff is nice but it would make me feel weird (I have always been one of those people who would rather just go out and buy what I want rather than ask anyone for anything..). She offered to organize it but quickly stipulated that I had to PAY for whatever costs were going to be incurred. I said fine.
She called me this past Friday to say that she'd contacted the two places we were considering having the shower at - one was the same place DH and I had our pizza lunch post-wedding and the other is a pricier italian restaurant we've been to many a time. I was leaning toward the same pizza place as there are "sentimental memories" there and, quite honestly with a baby on the way and all kinds of things to buy, I have NO $$$ to waste. But I told her to find out how much for both places and to get back to me.
She calls me again yesterday to say that she'd announced the shower date to her inlaws (who are Italian) and that they'd asked where it was going to be held - so she told them it was going to be at the pricier restaurant - which thrilled them. I'm scared everyone I put on the list will show up OR inversely that no one will come. I'm NOT happy because I'm potentially on the hook for anywhere from $500-1000 for feeding these people, depending on how many come.
I realize they will be bringing me baby gifts, but what if all they bring is a cheap onezie from Wal-mart and I spent $40 per person feeding their ass for an afternoon??!! (We asked for a fixed price menu but she has yet to confirm what would be served or even how much per person). Ya know? Would hurt the wallet a lot less to feed them a couple slices of delicious pizza, some calamari and everyone be on their way - especially that when I mentionned updating my baby registry to add a recliner and ottoman and a high-end high chair, my sister was quick to point out "Who do you think is going to buy you those things"...
When my sister realized that I wasn't too happy that she'd commited me to having the shower at the more expensive place, she asked me why I was being that way and then proceeded to say "Do you think I'm doing this because I care"... at which point I said okay, let's not have a baby shower at all and I hung up on her!
I was so upset after our conversation last night I just cried for a while and went to bed without dinner as my appetite was just not there.. and now I'm at work writing this and bawling my eyes out again..
Am I just being childish? Can I get off the Preggo Hormone Rollercoaster please?!
The whole thing is just crazy, and I would probably just say "no thank you" to everything at this point.
I think I would not have the shower and have a welcome home baby get together and just serve finger sandwiches and snacks once the baby gets home. That way you can control the price better.