finally posting my birth story
On April 1st we checked in for our c-section at this point I was measuring 47 weeks although I was only 38 weeks 5 days. My husband and checked in and I am given a robe, as I am changing my clothes fall in the automatic sink and get soaked. The nice nurses laughed and gave me a bag. Then they could not get a vain and the anesthesiologists says, "Let me have a stab at it!" Which my husband did not find funny. Finally the nurse switches to a smaller needle and it it goes in. My wonderful OB comes in and we chat and we place bets on boy or girl. My husband and I are positive it is a girl. So they prep me for surgery and the anesthesiologists drops and breaks the bottle of meds for my spinal. Then he says oops while giving it to me. Yikes! My OB came and we were off. Porter Henry was Born at 10:18 AM and weighed in 9 pounds 7 ounces. I could not believe he was a boy, so much for mother's intuition. my husband cut the cord and he was perfect. My surgery was not over though. I had a lot of adhesion to the back side of my uterus and a mass attached to my intestines. Luckily all test came back normal. The worst part was that my spinal started to wear off, it wasn't pleasant. It was so worth it to have my little man. Waiting to find out was so worth. I am going post his pics to my profile.
Thanks for reading,
Thanks for reading,
Porter was three weeks old yesterday and finally reached his birth plus some yesterday. He weighed in at 9 pounds 11 ounces. He nurses every 1.5 hours and the kids love him so much. I am healing much quicker than I did my last c-section and now I am just going to work on losing the baby weight. I am just glad my experience was so wonderful. My doctor even stayed with me for a while in recovery. She was the greatest.