Pregnancy and PCOS
First off, congratulations!
Secondly, since you're not a year out from surgery yet, PLEASE add good, complex carbs into your diet. You need at least 100g of carbs a day to keep your body out of ketosis. Ketosis is bad for the developing baby as it can cause neural tube defects and/or issues with brain development. Also, you need to add about 300 calories to your diet. I know this may be hard to do at just 8 months out of surgery, but your growing baby needs it.
Take good care of yourself. Make sure you're getting your protein in. Talk to your surgeon AND OB about what you should take vitamin wise. You definitely need to switch from a multi vitamin to a prenatal vitamin. It has the extra folic acid in it that you need and it also has extra iron as well. Make sure you continue to take your other supplements......calcium plus vitamin D, B-12, etc. If your surgeon and your OB will work together on your vitamins that would be even better. Make sure you get a full set of labs as soon as possible since you're so soon out from surgery. Chances are, the baby will take what it needs from you and wouldn't suffer, but your body may start to suffer if you don't get in all the nutrients your body needs and it already suffers enough in the first year after bypass as it is. lol
Good luck with everything! Don't let your OB do a glucose tolerance test either. It will make you sick as a dog and the GTT is NOT accurate in gastric bypass patients. Ask early on for an alternative to the GTT. Congratulations again!!
I have already met with my NUT who has adjusted my diet and says I am doing really well already so it is just minor adjustments. I am already on Prenatal Vitamins and have been for over a month so that is good. I get B12 inj. from my Dr. and he just did labwork on me and ALL came back completely normal which is great!
I went in and had the Blood Test done to see what my HcG levels were and the results came back Great and right on target for a 4-5wk old pregnancy!
My surgeon has already advised me on what tests to do in place of the GTT so I will let my OB know when I see her!
Thanks for all the response!
I shall now be know as Hagatha: Queen of the queens.
Baby 7-09
Xavier Elliott born 10-5-10