OT - my sorry self
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
You are beautiful, so stop right there. Head's up girlfriend and continue on with life.
Know what?
When you aren't looking the right man will come along. Totally unexpected.
So where you live the pickings are slim?????
Go somewhere and open that door. You may have to take a vacation and just enjoy yourself with some girlfriends. Continue on with life. A man won't complete you or even make you happy. That power lies within you. More confidence girl...you can do this.
So once, I basically met a man on line, he woo'd me...guess what...he was a con man, went after chubby women, would ask what you want in a man and he would turn himself to what you wanted. Thank goodness I got rid of that scum. He was engaged to me and 2 other women!
Oh I could tell you stories about this con man. And to this day he continues to go after women on the Internet. So maybe on-line trying to get to know a man is not so good. Yep, there are good men on the Internet but meeting them in person through a friend is good. Oh yeah...and I met him for the first time in church...again he was a true con man.
So...I thought I would go through life without a man. I was happy with that decision, was going to do the "Golden Girls" thing with a couple of my girlfriends as we got older. Then BAM! My prince charming came along, was set up with friends and yes, I did meet my hubby awhile back but we were both married at the time. We both had long term marriages (for me 27 years, for him 25). So we both enjoyed the thought of getting hitched but we took our time, I even lived with him almost 2 years before we got married.
There are good, wonderful men out there and really I think it will happen to you when your aren't even looking. Kinda like the concept of women who can get pregnant then they adopt and later they do get pregnant! You have a beautiful smile. There is nothing and I mean nothing ugly about you. Enjoy life, go out dancing, travel and one day it's going to happen! Hugs Debbie
Looking back on this post and it replies, I see I'm just about the only one with a negative view about the prospect of dating in general, at our age. But, also looking back, I see that other than Margo, I'm the only one *****plied who is not currently married or in a relationship. It gives everything a whole different view...
When I got divorced, I remember thinking that I'd have to learn a whole new set of rules about dating. But after being "out there" for a while, I realized that there really are no rules any more. My adjustment to that fact was slow and painful.
Your city of about 40000 sounds like a shopper's paradise compared to my town of 5000. I still think that it has to be better to connect with REAL people...those who are friends of friends, brothers-in-law, co-workers, etc, than on line. Face to face, seems so much better to me, 'cause I can SEE who I'm dealing with. If you want to meet someone, network the hell out of your situation. Someone has to know someone! You're attractive, have a killer smile, and sound like a nice person. It'll happen when the time comes.
I wish you success.
do you remember last fall when a guy asked me out and i wasted two weeks THINKING about it then found out i lost before i got to play???!!!!! you might not remember-well- i pretty much have given up also--- i can't really comment on the situation i am in now but its not what many would think.....
i agree with candy about the networking and with debbie that the right one will come when ya arent looking!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Screw 'em ... you are beautiful. After I lost my weight, I got the confidence to get back in the dating pool (I was never really in it anyway ... I was always obese). I had a couple of nice dates with guys, but then they never called back. I've wondered for a brief moment ... is it me? ... then decided ... no, it's not me ... it's them ... they're idiots. I'm a strong, intelligent, wonderful woman. I'm beautiful, maybe a little flabby under my clothes ... but they're missing out on me.
And the other guys I found were perverts ... so I gave up. I have plenty of wonderful friends, men and women. If there's a man out there, OK, but otherwise, I'm happy in my singlehood. Never had one, so I don't know what I'm missing ... my friend Roxane, who has been married since she was 40 and has two kids now, says I'm not missing anything ... she says sex is vastly overrated.
You don't look like 60 ... you look fabulous ... they're the ones missing out.
Karen C
What a beautiful woman I see in that picture and if he can't see it, shame on him. It is so sad that our lives can be so deeply affected by ******** such as him. . .
So don't let one affect what and who you are, you can and will find what you want, just believe and remember the old addage about you've got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince, well I think there is a lot of truth in that for some of us. Men are so vain and foolish and truly don't see themselves or their reality, so don't give up, but perhaps you need to get involved in some organizations where the majority of what you will come in contact with, it seems the older we get the harder it can be, but if it's what you hope for, then continue to hope and put it in a "God Box", but be very descriptive of what you want. . . I found mine and didn't know I was even wanting it when it happened. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I'm late to the party, but I've got to chime in. First of all, you are very attractive in your pictures. Nothing wrong with you at all!!! We can't all be wrong, now can we?
Second of all, I've been out of the dating game for 30 years, so maybe things have changed, but in my mind on-line dating is a risky venture. If that dating website is making you so unhappy, then turn it off! Geez, nothing is worth the mental anguish you're suffering right now.
Which leads me to my third (and last) point. Long time ago, I was in therapy for about a year and a half. You know the ONE thing that I took from that? We are each responsible for our own happiness. Did you hear that? Really hear it? Only Margaret can make Margaret happy. Believe me, honey, a man won't make you happy if you're not already at peace with yourself. The dating website is making you unhappy, so lose it! Make yourself happy, sweetie! You deserve happiness. Do what makes you happy. I can't say it enough.
And, btw, people are just naturally drawn to someone who is happy and joy-filled. Like moths to a flame. True beauty is not physical anyway--we all know that. When you become happy, you make others want to be with you. Think about that. Go to your plays, your jazz festivals, your movie nights and enjoy yourself! You might be surprise who you attract!
And, yes, please post your picture on your avatar. We all love to see your pretty face!