Missing my "little boy"....furbaby.
Thanks everyone for all of the support and your understanding. I can't believe how much this little dog means to me. I've cried off/on all day. My DH called the vet's office & asked about my visiting Buster in juvy hall. The Dr. talked to my husband and said he will call SPCA and ask. They told the Dr. that they would have to call the state and ask that question and get back with the vet's office. Anyway, about an hour later, the Dr.'s office called and talked to me. First she told me that Buster is doing well and is very plesant to the ones who's walking him, etc. As far as visitation, the state said visitation can occur only if the animal displays any signs of depression, not eating, etc. She said Buster ate his morning meal just fine and they'd keep an eye on him. If he shows any depressed symptoms, they'd call me.
I'm very relieved that he's ok and adapting to his environment, eating, etc. That makes his Mama proud of him. lol. As much as I'd love to visit him, I'd rather he not show any depression signs. We'll get through this.....come on May 4th!!
Thanks everyone...you're all the best!!