OT - The Cat Rules Here!
Catabolism – the high rate at which you burn calories to keep tabs on your cat
Cataclysm – the violent unheaval felt around the house on the day that the cat arrives
Catalectic – what happens if your cat persists in playing with the electric socket
Catalogue – a record that the cat keeps to prove that he didn’t do any of those things
Catatonic – a refreshing feline summer spritzer…add gin at yur own risk
Catalyst – a tipsy feline, leaning hard to one side after too many catatonics
Catamaran – a double-hulled sailing boat used by sixteenth century felines who discovered Catalina Island
Catamite – the explosive power used to throw a hairball halfway across a room
Catamountain – a feline theme amusement park at Catvalley, California
Catapult – a hamstring injury caused by leaping at birds
Cataract – a professional performing arts class for cats that go on to do Disney films or pet food commercials
Catbird – an accidental crossbreeding experiment that produced a flying feline that poops only on dog statues
Cater – to serve a cat hand and foot. Get used to it.
Catfish – Cathunt. Cat not come home for supper.
Catchy – Tai Chi for felines
Category – the crime scene on your patio
Catgut – Garfield at is heaviest
Catcall – Begins with "YO!" and is often heard near construction sites
Catty – a conversation in which female claws are exposed, but there’s not a cat in sight
Catsup – the cute, non-subtle way cats have of letting you know they’re awake and that you should be too (often a nudge to the nose with a paw, as in "I’m up!!"
Catnip – the feline drug of choice
Cataplexy – the complete bewilderment of a person who cannot understand how he ever wound up with a cat, or what he will ever do without him.
Catholic – a feline who is addicted to communion wine
by William Thomas