So apparently...

on 3/21/13 9:59 am - Kingston, Canada
I'm not the only freak in my house that LOVES OPTI. It would seem to be genetic.....both of my teenaged sons love it as does hubby. Weveryone got a small sample of that part of my dinner tonight, and my 17 year old son asked if he could have a small cup with me before bed tonight. Who knew?

Ref- Aug 2011, Orient ( OWMC )- Nov 11, Transfer to Kingston- May 12, NP, DT,SW,H-pylori ( neg ), BW, Ab US,- Jul 12, NP return Aug 12 ( HBA1C 8.2 ), started insulin - Sept 12, Diabetic Opti Clinic-Jan 11 13 ( HBA1C 7.0 ), pre-op class- Feb 6 13, Surgeon Feb 22 2013 ( Dr. Hagen HRRH ), Dr. Glazier March 18 2013, PATTS Mar 12 2013, Opti Mar 21 2013 Surgery April 4 2013.


Joanne D.
on 3/21/13 10:03 am - Canada

You just might have to hide that



referral from GP July 2012     Orientation October 2012  SW initial Dec 2012   Nurse Prac. Dec 2012   Nutrition Initial Jan 2012  Nutrition Jan 2012      Psycho social Jan 2013    Meeting with Surgeon Feb 22 2013     Surgery May 2nd ( Dr. Jackson TWH)


on 3/21/13 10:03 am - Barrie, Ontario, Canada

That's so amazing, now that's support!  enlightened

Cathy xo

Orientation: Feb 2013, Surgeon, Nurse, Dietician: June 2013, Dr. Glazier: April 2013, Surgeon: Dr. John Hagen, June 2013, PATTS: August 2013, Optifast: August 2013, Surgery: HRRH Sept. 5, 2013


Amanda F.
on 3/21/13 10:08 am - Toronto, Canada
VSG on 01/10/13

Teenage boys will eat ANYTHING... especially if it's something they can't have. Better lock your packets in the liquor cabinet! lol

Referral to Bariatric Program at TWH: 08/09/11     Orientation at TWH: 08/17/11                 Nurse Practitioner: 10/12/11
Social Worker: 12/02/11                                         Nutrition Class: 12/21/11                         Nutrition Assessment: 01/26/12
Psycho-Social Assessment: 05/31/12                      Meet Dr. Penner (TWH) 11/30/12            Pre-Admission: 12/10/12

Surgery Date: January 10, 2013
LilySlim Weight loss tickers

                             For more information on the Midtown Toronto Walking Club, please click here.

on 3/21/13 10:14 am - Kingston, Canada
Actually, I did have a talk with my 15 year old fitness/health junkie when I brought my Opti home on Monday. He is a daily protein shake drinker so I told him he can't have any of my shakes because I have to drink them all so I heal well after surgery, he was ok with that ( or so he said )

Ref- Aug 2011, Orient ( OWMC )- Nov 11, Transfer to Kingston- May 12, NP, DT,SW,H-pylori ( neg ), BW, Ab US,- Jul 12, NP return Aug 12 ( HBA1C 8.2 ), started insulin - Sept 12, Diabetic Opti Clinic-Jan 11 13 ( HBA1C 7.0 ), pre-op class- Feb 6 13, Surgeon Feb 22 2013 ( Dr. Hagen HRRH ), Dr. Glazier March 18 2013, PATTS Mar 12 2013, Opti Mar 21 2013 Surgery April 4 2013.


Sylvie G.
on 3/21/13 10:24 am - Monroeville, IN
RNY on 04/16/13

Crazy kids. I'm dreading the stuff. I know I'll be plugging my nose and gulping and then a big glass of water to wash away the taste. Yuck!

Referral - 12/21/12, Referral Received - 1/10/13, Orientation - 1/21/13, Met Dr. Hagen - 2/20/13, NUT, RN, SW - 3/13/13, Gastroscopy - 3/13/13, Dr. Glazer - 3/21/13, Pick-up Opti - 3/21/13, PATTS - 3/21/13, Surgery - 4/16/13



on 3/21/13 10:49 am

It's not bad.  Try not to psyc yourself up to hate it.... You might actually like it

Onward and

on 3/21/13 1:00 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

I loved Opti!  I found it delicious when I put some flavour shots in the vanilla and put them in my magic bullet with a few ice cubes and water.  Yum!  I sometimes wish I could still have them now.

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

Come to Toronto East End Coffee Nights! Click here for details.


on 3/21/13 11:52 am - Kingston, Canada
I agree, the mind is a wonderful, magical machine. I believe a lot of this journey will be mind over matter! I told myself that I would really enjoy the opti phase, it would be nice not to think about what to eat, and they would taste like Starbucks Frappucinos ( which I love ) and that's what they taste like to me . I'm a behaviourist by trade, and am planning to practice most of the lessons I preach to my clients from here on in.

Ref- Aug 2011, Orient ( OWMC )- Nov 11, Transfer to Kingston- May 12, NP, DT,SW,H-pylori ( neg ), BW, Ab US,- Jul 12, NP return Aug 12 ( HBA1C 8.2 ), started insulin - Sept 12, Diabetic Opti Clinic-Jan 11 13 ( HBA1C 7.0 ), pre-op class- Feb 6 13, Surgeon Feb 22 2013 ( Dr. Hagen HRRH ), Dr. Glazier March 18 2013, PATTS Mar 12 2013, Opti Mar 21 2013 Surgery April 4 2013.


on 3/21/13 12:59 pm - London, Canada

My two year old snuck a sip today too and was devastated when I didn't let her have more!!  Hope I am as enthusiastic about drinking it for the full two weeks!


"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible!"
Audrey Hepburn     
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