Muscle Wasting (loss); Back Pain
I have lost a little over 200 lbs. and look like I did in college with some additional weight loss planned. Unfortunately, I've experienced a couple of issues of which I would like your insight.
1. Has anyone suffered muscle wasting (loss)? If so, please explain your symptoms, result, etc. I understand the cause and how I might have limited it, but..... I'm looking for information on the end result from those experiencing it.
2. Has anyone developed muscle pain? Specifically, has anyone developed an unexplained, long-standing pain in the area of the upper Trapezius muscle - the one that runs from your spine to your shoulder and into your neck. I have such a pain and frankly, can't get any doctor to resolve it yet.
Please email me at [email protected]
Thanks. Bill
1. Has anyone suffered muscle wasting (loss)? If so, please explain your symptoms, result, etc. I understand the cause and how I might have limited it, but..... I'm looking for information on the end result from those experiencing it.
2. Has anyone developed muscle pain? Specifically, has anyone developed an unexplained, long-standing pain in the area of the upper Trapezius muscle - the one that runs from your spine to your shoulder and into your neck. I have such a pain and frankly, can't get any doctor to resolve it yet.
Please email me at [email protected]
Thanks. Bill
yeah bill,
i'm kind of a poster boy for back pain here. but i don't think it was related to the surgery. about three months after surgery my back went out and a couple surgeries, several injections, therapy and pain management docs later i still have problems big time. so it's either muscular or discs. they just can't tell.
now i've read that there's a phenomenon with rapid weight loss and our backs. our spines were curved one way to carry our guts and then with rapid loss our spines don't recover so good and our posture suffers as it tries to re balance our center of gravity. so maybe try a chiro for the trap pain, heat and ice, whichever works. i thin**** is supposed to be better if there's inflammation.
as for muscle wasting. well, hell, we all let ourselves go to the point where we just didn't exercise right. so to some degree we've atrophied certain muscles. nothing a little work out in the gym won't cure unless you have specific problems. i know a lot of the guys just can't do running or squatting or anything that involves the knees too much. also some guys have bad shoulders. but that's usually an ongoing injury or something. we're all just flab after the surgery. we all exercised and it came back. the only thing you might suffer is lose skin depending on the weight loss and other variables.
so maybe the guys will chime in with their experience. i do have constant shoulder pain but it's from lifting and it's my fault. as far as permanent atrophy, no but maybe some of the other guys have had this problem.....carbonblob
i'm kind of a poster boy for back pain here. but i don't think it was related to the surgery. about three months after surgery my back went out and a couple surgeries, several injections, therapy and pain management docs later i still have problems big time. so it's either muscular or discs. they just can't tell.
now i've read that there's a phenomenon with rapid weight loss and our backs. our spines were curved one way to carry our guts and then with rapid loss our spines don't recover so good and our posture suffers as it tries to re balance our center of gravity. so maybe try a chiro for the trap pain, heat and ice, whichever works. i thin**** is supposed to be better if there's inflammation.
as for muscle wasting. well, hell, we all let ourselves go to the point where we just didn't exercise right. so to some degree we've atrophied certain muscles. nothing a little work out in the gym won't cure unless you have specific problems. i know a lot of the guys just can't do running or squatting or anything that involves the knees too much. also some guys have bad shoulders. but that's usually an ongoing injury or something. we're all just flab after the surgery. we all exercised and it came back. the only thing you might suffer is lose skin depending on the weight loss and other variables.
so maybe the guys will chime in with their experience. i do have constant shoulder pain but it's from lifting and it's my fault. as far as permanent atrophy, no but maybe some of the other guys have had this problem.....carbonblob
At 11 months my mid back and shoulder tend to hurt on occasions. It is a burning sensations that last for 30 minutes to and hour and is very bad. I'm on pain meds for my lower back issues but this is a very annoying pain that docs haven't been able to explain. It kind of gets shrugged off because of my lower back disc problems
so I am in the same boat I am hopping that some one can explain this pain
Jim D