:( angel checking in...
Micchelle K is back in the hospital. She came home last Friday but was only home for about 3 hours and had to go back to the hospital due to chills and a fever. I talked with her yesterday afternoon and she is still there and is dealing with pnemonia(can't spell sorry). Please send her prayers and best wishes. She is realy tired and wants to be home so much with her hubby and kids. All thoughts appreciated.
Michelle, Wellcome back... so-o-o-o glad to hear from you...I hope you get some rest at home..... take it easy for the next few days...If you really had pneumonia you need to give yourself time to recover...Are you on Antibiotics? do they have you do some breathing therapy? Is the fever down? are you able to drink fluids? Keep us posted.... best wishes, hugs, Rita
I was on an antibotic drip for 4 days- and I really had it. They really pushed the breathing therapys and the last fever that was up even a little was last night ... but it was 99.6 so they dont count that.
I am drinking just fine, and I ate a little chicken tonight...I feel really weak, and I have a headache that I cant loose..... other than that I am just hoping for a better tomorrow.
Thanks Rita ((( hugs)))))