1 yr Post-Op Blood Work Results-
This is a re-post from my local support group board.
Hey everybody,
I received my 1yr blood work back today and wanted to share.
Every thing looked really good except for my glucose, iron serum and
iron saturation.
My glucose was 61 with normal ranges being 65-99. I have been
getting kinda light headed in the afternoons, so I have started
eating protein snacks to ward off the hypoglycemic spells. Have any
of you had this happen? I hear it's fairly common. The blood work
was drawn in the afternoon and it was non-fasting.
Also my iron, serum was 27 with normal ranges being 35-155 and my
iron saturation was 7 with normal ranges being 15-55.
I have been so dilagent about vitamins, calcium, B-12 shots, etc.
But haven't been as good with taking iron supplements. Partially
due to the fact that pre-op I did not menstrate so I didn't think it
would be a problem. Since surgery that has changed and I didn't
make concessions for that. And the other reason I didn't take the
iron was b/c I already had a problem with constipation and didn't
want to make it worse. I know, TMI, but I think it's important to
share b/c I know I am not the only one out there that for what ever
reason has neglected an important part of post-op after care.
I have been feeling tired for a while now and have been craving red
meat. I mentioned to James that I felt like my iron must be low. I
rarely eat red meat so this was a strange craving for me. (we went
to Longhornns for dinner and I ate 4ozs of steak!)
Any who, I did some research about what types of iron should be used
for WLS patients. My research and recommendations from several in
the group (thanks Kara, Rhonda and Susan) say that Ferrous Furmerate
is the best kind for us. I went to CVS and purchased a box of 60
Vitron-C for 13.99. I also confirmed (there was debate at the last
meeting) that taking Vitamin C w/ Iron helps with absorption. I
will take it faithfully and have my levels re-checked in 3 months.
I'll keep you posted.
Tonya....I'm glad to hear that your labs are generally good.... but it sounds that they can be even better. I don't think that fasting Glucose of 61 is that BIg of a problem in and of itslef... as long as you are not having hypoglycemic symptoms . (i.e cold sweats, dizziness, etc.)
As for Iron I just wanted to share a few things...Even though frequently in women Iron loss is related to Menstruation in general, in WLS it has to do with absorbtion of Iron rather that periods.... Iron absorbed in Stomach with a help of intrinsic factor and B-12 .... in post-WLS there is not enough of either one... so we need extra....and one other thing is that Calcium and Iron compete for absorbtion and should be taken apart from one another..I hope it helps somewhat