Feeling Blessed
Helllooooooooooooooooooooooo my dear friend!! I miss you! and am glad to see you had a great first week. I am glad I'll get to see you on the 13th and glad you will finally get to meet Joe as well!! I've been wanting him to meet you for sooo long now.
You always make me smile missy and I just want to remind you that I love ya to pieces!!
Take care of you, feel my hugs and prayers and I'll see ya in a week!
Hey, Theresa, I remember my first grade teacher too, but in the last few years, I have forgotten her name. I remember all of my other early teacher's names, but that one has slipped. I wish I had written it down. I see her face, hands, hair, and size (a little grandma person), but not the name. In the "old days," only people with money were able to send their children to kindergarten, so I didn't go. Now I've been in K for 26 years! LOL
Hey, Sweet Sandra, Thank you for your kind words. The Lord has used you twice this week at just the right times. Please pray for my "doodle bug" (Drew). The Lord is really growing him right now. "What ever it takes" can be a bit hard, but I know it's right.
I will bring my purse. It took hours to choose. The Brighton guy helped me choose a Coach. Imagine how annoying I must have been. The is the first time I have owned a "nice" purse. Dog-sitting has it's rewards, plus I got to swim every day and read three novels.
Oh, BTW I covet your hair. I would love to be able to wash and go. The dancing will probably not happen unless there's easy stuff like the Hokey Pokey.
Love you!!!