Need Support/Advice

Melissa F.
on 7/15/05 3:19 am - newnan, GA
I was just looking on the board and seen where Janice Spivey had passed and Dr. Duncan was her surgeon, and two, they said he wasn't there for her. I am now second guessing him as to do my surgery. Don't get me wrong, I know her is a really good surgeon, but now more than one person has said he is not there for them. I am looking for some advice and encouragement as I have my consult visit with him next Tuesday, July 19th. I DO wanna make the right decision. If I go to his consult and decide to go elsewhere, will I have to go through another seminar etc. I am so worried now. Melissa
Susan Bertrand
on 7/15/05 3:46 am - Jacksonville, FL
Hi Melissa.... You know, on any given day, anything can happen to anybody... I am in no way making light of the death of Janice Spivey. It is an awful, and terrible thing for her and her family... How awful what they must be going thru. But, just like with this WLS, whne something goes bad, we hear about it loudly. We all have to research this surgery, and go in with our eyes wide open as to all of the risks and side effects. We have to research our surgeons and feel comfortable with them. My best friend used Dr. Duncan, and has done fantastic... alot of the people I have known who have used him and have been just fine, without problems at all. In fact, he was my original choice of surgeons. (Insurance prevented me from using him as none of his hospitals were on my insurance list). I have heard several people complain about his availability/accessibility post-op, including my best friend who used him. But those who have used him rave about his surgical abilities. As far as changing surgeons, and having to go thru another seminar... My surgeon, Dr. Daly does not have a seminar to go thru. I only had an original consultation, got all my pre-op stuff done, had a pre-op visit with him right before surgery, and then all of my post-op visits. Plus he has his own monthly support group meetings as well. Not all surgeons have the same requirements for seminars, etc. This is a personal decision that you, and only you can make.... Good Luck to you, and know that whatever decision you make, we'll all be here to give you the support you need! Susan
Melissa F.
on 7/15/05 3:52 am - newnan, GA
Thank you Susan, I to know MANY people that have used Dr. D and have had wonderful success, I have research him along with others and have felt very comfortable up until this point. I keep telling everyone there is no surgeon out there with 100% success rate, but if it's true about him not being there for you post op, then that could make a difference as well, I'm just so confused right now. Melissa
Trauma Queen
on 7/15/05 4:02 am - Jacksonville, FL
Melissa, I am going to be honest with you. If you are in your heart of hearts having ANY second thoughts about Duncan, please do not hesitate to move on to another surgeon. Like somone said on the main forum, this is your life we are talking about. I wrote to you back on the main board also. I want to say that I have a two friends that used Duncan. One is doing well and was pleased with all aspects of the surgery, except for the "cow herding" and you say he no longer does this. The other friend told me she was suprised and very upset over the fact that Duncan did not do her surgery. She felt mislead and somehow "tricked". Those were her words. She also said Duncans assistant does the surgery except for a part of it that is crucial. Now, I do know he is supposedly "the" surgeon of gastric bypass in atlanta, but I was looking for the whole package. A personable doctor, a skilled surgeon, and a attentive staff. He fell short on 2 out of 3. I felt that Duncan could not satisfy my needs as far as me handing over my life to put in his hands. I do not regret this decision at all. I am sorry you are perplexed over this situation, but its better to find out BEFORE surgery then be stuck afterwards and accept what his practice throws at you. This is my opinion and two cents worth. What ever you decide, I am very sure it will be for the best for you and your family. If you are a christian, pray about it. Ask God to guide you in the decision and what is best for you. Take care, Donna
Melissa F.
on 7/15/05 5:24 am - newnan, GA
Thank you Sandra, I have TONS of questions that I plan on asking. I talked with Lisa Walls by phone a few minutes ago and she has helped me tremendiously. Thanks to you all , you are GREAT! Melissa
Melissa F.
on 7/15/05 5:30 am - newnan, GA
I Sure will, thank you. I am [email protected], I also have yahoo IM newnan_homemaker. Melissa
on 7/15/05 7:12 am - Eastman, GA
Melissa, I do not think you have to go through seminars with all MDs. Dr Hart does his on the first pre-op visit, and then when you get approved. He does have monthly support meetings, but you are not Required to go to these. Anyway, God bless and follow your heart for what you need to do. D'Lynn
Melissa F.
on 7/15/05 9:14 am - newnan, GA
Thank you D'Lynn, i'm going to go to the consult and ask TONS of questions and go from there. thamks for the support. Melissa
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