Eating slow and chewing
I get so mad with myself. I forget to eat slow and chew chew chew. This is worse when I go out to eat or just eat with the family. I do fine with just eating by myself! I feel like I should have this mastered by now. When this happens then I cant get my protein in and lean toward eating the easy stuff which most are not things we should eat..potatoes, chips, cake, ice cream..dont think any of these have protein LOL
Any suggestions?
Good Morning Phyllis,
I know what you mean about the problems with eating with others. What is probably happening is that you are trying to talk with them and eat at the same time so you are eating faster and swallowing before you are ready to. I found this to be a problem at first but then I learned to listen to the conversations more and not try to talk as much. And I also set my utensil down if the conversation is needing my input so I don't forget and put food in my mouth without thinking. It is probably a good idea to do this after every bite anyway but then I think I would forget about the conversation thing. LOL. As for the easy stuff... why not make cottage cheese or yogurt on your list of easy stuff? Good luck and let me know if any of this helps.
Later friend,
No suggestions here....But i feel your pain....I noticed when i am very hungry i will eat fast and i know what is going to happen and i know i am going too fast but i just keep going. I guess i know i will not be able to eat again once this all comes right back up. But i feel ya. I am there with ya..but now i am down to maybe once or twice a week compaired to every day. I guess i just got tired of getting sick more than anything ...But i still mess up. Such as right now i think i was eating too fast but i stoped and took a break so i can finish my hamburger.