i month anniversary/ what to eat?
Yes, my doctor said rice, blended meats and soft pasta. I want to do what is healthiest and most satisfying. I have been craving chocolate a lot lately. I don't know if its from my period or what. Actually I was in the hospital Sunday till tuesday. I got a really bad pain that didn't go away for lik 6 hours. I think it was because I forgot myself for a moment and took a normal size bit and swallowed with out chewing well. So I was at Mt. Sinai and they did a cat scan with contrast and iodine to see what was going on, they also did an ultrasound. Great news was everything looks very good. My doctor suspects small gallstones so she gave me meds that will break them up before they become a problem. She did not actually see any actual stones. So at least I know I am healing well and there are no obstructions or leakages! That I am very happy about. I have soreness in my stomach, the doctor said it would be normal to have soreness for a few months after surgery. Hopefully it will go away.
Mostly now I want to do what is right for this month, I would rather try to stay away from carbs. I don't eat white rice anyway, I only eat brown, and I am a huge pasta lover, but I feel like its not gonna be the same eating it now.
I have been working out nicely. Of course when I was sick I didn't but I am trying to get in at least 30-45 mins everyday and 2 x's per week i do weight training with light weights high repetitions. I want to upload some pics so y'all can see how I look before and now, I am psyched about the changes.
Well I hope all is well with you.