Curves - any opinions?
Hi Dawn...I have going to Curves since January. I have lost several inches all over, but what I like about it is how I feel. I feel much more energetic, I know my muscle tone has improved. (with age we lose this significantly especially after 40) I can do yard work and lift things I never could before and I feel more pride than when I was just a "slug" LOL I'm not into co-ed gyms and all the 20 year olds in their spandex. When I go to Curves its mostly other women who also want to lose inches or tone their bodies. Its a social time and my only "me" time. Hope this helps. HUGS Jeanine
I think Curves is a good place to start if you haven't been active in a long time. One of my WLS classmates started going to Curves shortly after surgery, and she liked it. However, as she became more fit and lost more weight, she wasn't getting enough of a workout at Curves. I recommend Curves, but perhaps you don't want to get locked into any lengthy contracts. I think the best thing about Curves is that it's a "safe" environment for women who aren't comfortable about the whole gym scene.
Go for it!
I haven't tried Curves, but I understand how nurturing a non-threatening atmosphere is when you are just starting something new. My health club is incredibly supportive - I've only ever had encouragement from staff and other members. But depending on the club culture, I have seen that vary. I think, though, that unless you go to a high profile crowded club at prime hours, folks in general are more accepting than you might think.
I've also found the off-hours daytime crowd of seniors to be incredibly open to all shapes, sizes and athletic abilities. And if you have daytime hours free, many clubs have great morning classes for the senior gang while the rest of us are at work - I can't wait until I'm retired and can take Tai Chi or Nia in the morning.
I was a member of Curves at my highest weight (369) and found for my very sedentary lifestyle it provided a good workout for me. I wasn't overwhelmed and found the atmosphere and privacy comforting. There was only one machine that I couldn't do (because my large belly prevented me from getting the proper position - it was the one where you bring your knees to your chest and push the plate down with your feet - a leg press type machine).
Thinking about it now though, I would think as someone got more fit, they would find that workout less challenging.
I would suggest a trial week, if your location offers it, or a short term contract to see how you like it. :)
Highest Weight/Goal/Current Weight
233lbs LOST!!
Maintenance going strong!
I too belonged to curves. I did it for 3 months and then because of my work schedule, I found it difficult to get. I didn't have the energy to work out after work and they don't have showers. That is a big "con" for me.
I love the Y. But each one is different. They have all kinds of classes for different fitness levels and are very supportive. I have never once (well, one time) felt intimidated at the Y.