In 1976, I broke my engagement on Valentine's Day. Basically, it is a bummer holiday for me.
And the year I was elected Sweetheart of the Valentine Banquet of an organization in Alpine, Tex. my date's other female friend stalked us to a restaurant and sat down at the table with us. She brought two other of our mutual friends for a party. It was another little breakup time
However, I still like to celebrate it with little hearts on my door at work and my valentine dishes. I send Valentine cards to my cousins and electronic cards to a few friends in Texas.
This year I will spend it working on some paper work that I have to do for an accreditation visit that I have to attend to. Most likely I will take myself out to eat something that I think I really want and I will treat myself to something special. I usually buy myself something special for Valentine's day....sugar free chocolates, a rose, or other special treat.