Uodate on Christian
Due to several emails and PM's asking me about Christian, I wanted to update and let everyone know he is doing well. He was finally diagnosed with Fifth's disease, hence the high fevers. His litle cheeks turned beet red and he is all clear now. I remember my girls having it as young children too and it's very common. So, I just wanted to thank all of you that prayed for our baby boy and were concerned enough to email and/or write asking about him. We truly appreciate your thoughts and prayers.
I too, am on the mend as well. Just still have a nasty cough, but feeling much better.
Thank you all,
I too, am on the mend as well. Just still have a nasty cough, but feeling much better.
Thank you all,
He has my sympathy, I had that as an adult about 20 years ago, now. it was the beginning of my problems with arthritis. My joints swelled and I could not bend my knees. My fever was high and I was broken out all over with a deep red rash....so yes, I know what the little thing is feeling. It is very uncomfortable.