Becky When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me". Erma Bombeck
Like Miss Mary said, of COURSE Jessie is the poster girl!! Who else would they choose!!!
Share it when you can!!!
Congratulations to you too is your love and nurturing she received from you that made her the wonderful, sweet, beautiful and loving girl that she is!!!
I surely will share it!!! YOU BET I WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AWWWEEEE Your last statement is toooo sweet. Thank you Connie.
Those are the kindest words I have been told regarding my parenting.
It is just God's grace. It is sufficient in all situations...even with Jessie.
I will try to have them scanned. If you are anywhere where you see a Special Olympics poster, look for her on itl She may be on the poster anywere. These posters are not regional...I believe these are throughout the state of AL.