Two questions. Please help :(

on 3/27/13 7:21 am
Hello everyone. I still have one more day on my post op liquid diet and I don't notice restriction. Meaning, I don't know when I've had enough until I run to the bathroom vomiting I was just sipping on water when suddenly I felt it all creeping up It's really annoying and I don't know how to feel restriction when I don't even feel hungry in the first place. I'm afraid to go on to soft foods and have the same problem.

Second question is will I ever be able to gulp water? At times when I'm really thirsty I just want to take a large bottle and gulp it down. Obviously I don't, I just take sips but I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to do that with my sleeve?

Your input is greatly appreciated!!
on 3/27/13 7:24 am - NJ
VSG on 10/11/12 with

To the first question I would suggest to considerably slow down.  You may be drinking faster than your brain can tell you you've had enough.

As far as the second part, 5+ months out and gulping is still unpleasant.  Perhaps the other more veteran sleevers can better answer that on the long term.


on 3/27/13 7:34 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
You won't feel restriction until you get to actual food, but maybe I can help a little.

Try measuring your liquids and drinking only an ounce, giving yourself 5-10 minutes, then drinking another ounce.

You aren't going to feel full in the same way as before, so you need to learn to recognize much more subtle signals. A little bit of discomfort or pressure behind your sternum (breastbone) tells you that your sleeve is full and whatever you're eating or drinking is held up in your esophagus. Stop right there and give it time. Wait until the pressure is gone, then wait another 5-10 minutes before taking another sip.

With time you'll learn how much you can comfortably eat or drink at a time. For now, measure and watch for the tiny hints that you need to stop and wait.


Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



on 3/27/13 7:36 am

I am 20 months post-op & I can gulp 2-3 at a time but usually it's best when I haven't eaten for at least an hour after or during/after a workout.  If I do that too soon after eating it's still very uncomfortable.  I miss chugging a 16 ounces water bottle at a time too but it will get better later on!!!




on 3/27/13 7:40 am

Yeah I would say slow down on drinking, cause my fiancee' had the sleeve done on march 11th, she would just take sips through out the whole day, she doesn't feel hungry either but you need to feed yourself just like a baby. She's on soft foods now like mash pototos, applesauce, mushy foods. lol, just go slow get a baby spoon so you take small bits she only could eat half of the 1/2 cup. you will feel it when your getting full, and stop when you feel that if you keep going you'll feel like you'll puke or uncomfortable feeling.

It will take time for you to do big gulps of water because she felt the same she'll get really thirsty and just want to jug a water but what i was thinking just do sips of water every hour of the day than you won't get to that point, but i wouldn't know.  your body is getting use to the new stomach :]

on 3/27/13 8:14 am - Oak Park Heights, MN
VSG on 03/14/13

For the first week post-op I measured my liquids out each time until I had an idea of how it felt in my mouth and I used a timer to drink every 15 minutes.  I no longer measure my liquids but am able to drink with no problems. I sometimes still use a timer to keep me on track.  I have not had any problems with vomiting and I do get all my fluids in each day.   



Height: 5' 7"  Heaviest Weight: 330  Starting Weight: 306  Surgery Weight:  267  Goal Weight:  135




on 3/27/13 8:19 am
Thanks everyone!!
on 3/27/13 8:47 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On March 27, 2013 at 2:21 PM Pacific Time, DClady wrote:
Hello everyone. I still have one more day on my post op liquid diet and I don't notice restriction. Meaning, I don't know when I've had enough until I run to the bathroom vomiting I was just sipping on water when suddenly I felt it all creeping up It's really annoying and I don't know how to feel restriction when I don't even feel hungry in the first place. I'm afraid to go on to soft foods and have the same problem.

Second question is will I ever be able to gulp water? At times when I'm really thirsty I just want to take a large bottle and gulp it down. Obviously I don't, I just take sips but I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to do that with my sleeve?

Your input is greatly appreciated!!

Because the pyloric valve is not touched in a VSG it is really virtually impossible for enough liquid to build up in your sleeve to make you vomit. As soon as liquid hits the sleeve,the pyloric valve opens cause that is just the way it works.


you must be about 2-3 weeks or so out right? it is possible that you are developing a stricture if liquids are doing this. I would definitely run it by your surgeon just to be on the safe side.


At 3 years out and well before that ,actually,I can gulp 5-6 gulps at a time. I might feel a slight restriction,that disappears right away,cause of the whole pyloric valve thing,so yes,you will prob be able to gulp one day.






on 3/27/13 9:24 am
VSG on 03/19/13

Along with all of this, the stomach could just be swollen yet and be hard to get that much to go through at once.  I cought myself taking big gulps yesterday and thank goodness it went down but I normally watch my self and take on manageable amounts at a time. Call your doctor if you are worried or just to double check but hang in there!

HW 315; Surgery Date 3/19/13, SW 300.5;  PreOp: 14.9, W1-4: 21.2, W5-8: 15, W9-12: 13.4, W13-16:




on 3/27/13 9:32 am

I agree that your stomach may still be swollen, but run it by your doctor.  Also, I can gulp water (not like I used to), but it's not a problem.


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