Support group meetings at MUSC
Hello All!
We have a support group meeting this Thursday at 6 PM in the Weight
Management Center (4th floor Institute of Psychiatry, 67 President
This month, Dr. Suzanne Thomas will be presenting "New waist does not
equal a new brain: the neuroscience of want". Dr. Thomas is an associate
professor of psychology with the Center for Drug and Alcohol Program.
She presented this topic to our group last year with rave reviews!
Next month, we will have "Open Forum Night" to discuss any questions,
concerns or thoughts by the group.
We also have a new nutrition class called Transition Nutrition. This
class meets the 4th Thursday of every month from 2-4 PM, also in the
Weight Management Center. This class is appropriate for all post-op
patients. We spend the first part discussing how to best transition from
a pureed diet to a regular diet but we also discuss other general good
nutrition topics relevant after weight loss surgery (calories, food
journaling, the exchange system, exercise, etc).
Support Group and Transition Nutrition are FREE and we now validate for
Hope to see you soon!
Debbie Petitpain, MS, RD
MUSC Bariatric Surgery Program Dietitian