Summerville area meetings
Hi there. I am from summerville. I am going for my surgery Aug 8th. We have a bunch of weight lose buddys that meet on Thursday night from 6 to 730 or so. Some of us are pre opt some are post opt and some are a way out .We meet at Jcs on ashley Phosate. If you would like we can meet somewhere and go together.. Hope to see you. You can get lots of info from different stages. We are all a bunch of friendly people and you are mmore than welcome. Rose
Hi, I am from Walterboro and would like to get back to meeting at J. C. but don't like to go that far alone. I have been before and can tell you they are a great group.May be we can get together and go just let me know. i'am 14 mos. out and yes it is great to talk to those that have been there.The more information you can get is great.