Update on headache
I'm going to shut the computer down now, get myself all ready to head out the door, and stop to get the Excedrin Migraine that Ann suggested along with a major cuppa joe from the Drip before picking up the kids. If that doesn't do it, I'll call the office.
Thanks everybody...cross your fingers for me!
Thanks everybody...cross your fingers for me!
Shauna...Try the excedrine migraine. I used to get real bad migraine. The kind that would put you to bed with a pillow over your head to block out the light and sound and a trash can beside the bed for the sickness. The excedrine really worked for me. I am thankful to say that I haven't had a migraine since I had my surgery. By the way your surgery date is the day after my daughter's 18th birthday (November 20) and she is also getting married on her birthday. Best of luck to you. I hope you find some relief.
Bring the cheese...here's more whine...
I went and got the Exedrin Migraine. Then went to the coffee shop. Got the largest "Double Shot in the Dark" coffee. Took 2 of the pills with water and drank the coffee as I drove over to son's school. Went in wanting to take him on home early with me, but realized it was student priviledges day...something he really looks forward to. Within minutes the headache was getting better, but all the sudden I began to sweat profusely...hot flash city!!! By the time we were ready to leave, I was shaking and almost passing out. Had to sit down for awhile before I could go ahead and drive home. So now poor hubby has to leave work a bit earlier today than planned so he can grab our daughter from school for me on his way home to get ready for the gala.
Yes, I'm still planning on going tonight...hubby will be my arm to hold onto! Can't believe how sick this liquid fast has made me. I was prepared for hunger but not this! Ugh!
Wish me luck...I hope I don't make a fool out of myself this evening!!!
(Jason, I wasn't anywhere that carried low-carb chocolate...Dollar Store then the Drip...but I'd probably would have grabbed some if I had been!)
I went and got the Exedrin Migraine. Then went to the coffee shop. Got the largest "Double Shot in the Dark" coffee. Took 2 of the pills with water and drank the coffee as I drove over to son's school. Went in wanting to take him on home early with me, but realized it was student priviledges day...something he really looks forward to. Within minutes the headache was getting better, but all the sudden I began to sweat profusely...hot flash city!!! By the time we were ready to leave, I was shaking and almost passing out. Had to sit down for awhile before I could go ahead and drive home. So now poor hubby has to leave work a bit earlier today than planned so he can grab our daughter from school for me on his way home to get ready for the gala.
Yes, I'm still planning on going tonight...hubby will be my arm to hold onto! Can't believe how sick this liquid fast has made me. I was prepared for hunger but not this! Ugh!
Wish me luck...I hope I don't make a fool out of myself this evening!!!
(Jason, I wasn't anywhere that carried low-carb chocolate...Dollar Store then the Drip...but I'd probably would have grabbed some if I had been!)