Inspiration from a snowflake...
How coincidental that today's email from The Daily Word (that I've posted before) happens to be about snowflakes! These things are planned who know where and also came a few days ago in my printed format... God's work, perhaps!
Today's Daily Word - Saturday, January 19, 2008
Let Go, Let God
I am healthy and wise, at peace, and open to my good.
Walking through the gently falling snow, I pause to look closely at a snowflake that has landed on my glove. In awe of the beauty of the intricately patterned ice flower, I am reminded of God’s creativity and power. Transformation has taken place as a drop of moisture was released when just the right conditions were present to form a snowflake.
Looking at a single snowflake, it is as if God is speaking to me, reminding me that as I let go and trust my Creator, I, too, am being transformed. I let go and accept healing, guidance, and prosperity. I trust—even in the face of appearances—that conditions are right for the unfoldment of my highest good.
I emerge from this God-moment realizing that I am continually being transformed. I am healthy and wise, at peace and open to even greater good.
“For I will restore health to you.” —Jeremiah 30:17
The Daily Word
Down a little on the right is where you can subscribe by email. You can also get the printed version that comes monthly for something like $12.95. It's a nice gift for folks who "have everything" at a nice price. It's even a nice "secret" gift for someone you wanna do something nice for. I recycle mine and take them and other magazines to a local nursing home, or sometimes give to my girlfriend who works at my doctor's office.