Weather Alert for Raleigh Gathering Tomorrow AM ~ Antennae UP
Add to "must haves" for storms around here... CASH!
Soundn't be a problem with this weekend, but when ICE or hurricanes are on the way, there are frequent and multiple power outages, so CASH talks! When Fran came through I had no power for 13 DAYS. Stores can deal with cash, but not your credit cards.
Also, when there are threats of power outages, fill up jugs, pots and your tub with water. You can flush your commode w/out power IF you have water. Also, fill up coolers with ICE... which becomes a commodity in times of no power. I go on cooking sprees when we have inclement weather. I cook more food that I can eat and my family and friends can't even get here to eat it, until the roads thaw. It's not unusual for there to be POTS of food sitting out in the snow on my patio cause the fridges are full... And there is one MUST HAVE for me when bad weather is predicted... and I know not why, but I MUST have and COOK BBQ Beef Ribs!
Wendy -
I'm with you ... I'm not going to travel, nor do I want anyone else to risk travel in poor weather conditions. I'm leaving the options open for now because they aren't forcasting problems until after noon ... I'm hoping that we'll keep the brunch short and be off and home before it gets iffy.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145
Hopeully, all will work out ... if not, we'll catch you the next time around.
ObesityHelp Coach and Support Group Leader
High-264, Current-148, Goal-145