feeling great!
Good morning all,
I just wanted to let everyone know how I am doing. I feel so much better and look great. One thing, I had pictures taken yesterday and was still not happy with them. I still looked big in them. I picked on myself so much because I thought I would look better in them. My husband reminded me that I have lost so much after the surgery and I should be so happy and proud of that. I love him so much he is such an encouraging person. Anyway, now that I feel better and can do all the housework and laundry I told my husband not to expect me to do all the work around here. I ways kidding because I am happy that I can because he works so hard outside of the house---this my job. I felt like a good mom yesterday. I had a visit from my Parent's as teachers person to test my almost 2 year old. Parent's as teacher's is a person from the elementary school coming to your home to see if my child is developing correctly physically, mentally etc.... She was amazed as I was. In most of his testing he tested at a 3 or 3 and a half year old level. He did things I didn't know he could do. Made me feel good as a mom because all that hard work I do to teach my children is paying off. Well, thought I would share that with you all. God bless, Penni