Peggy M
on 12/9/08 10:55 pm - Raymore, MO
Morning Missouri...

At least the sun is shining today.  We ended up with sleet followed by 3 inches of snow that then blew around all evening.  Just plain yucky.  But I need to get out today since the decorating is DONE!!!  So I will warm up the big truck and get some shopping done and get to my appt. 

Glad to hear that the travelers made it ok and that Cor is doing well.  Can't wait to hear that Barb is bringing Baby home, hopefully soon.  And praise God that Suzie's hubby is feeling better....no more funeral talk...lol.  I'm also glad to hear that Sandy's swelling is going down.  Renee's pics of her daughter's wedding were beautiful and Lou has lost weight like crazy this week...woohoo!  Lynette a made major goal this week, too.  Bec is busy, busy, busy but what's new?  lol  And Vesta is trying to resist temptation (namely pumpkin rolls) and reminding me of the TRUE meaning of CHRISTmas.  Tammy V is busy too and struggling a little... say extra prayers for her, please.  ~Angie is having some pain and should be calling her doc today.  Please remember Janet & Sugar as they plan the COF party and deal with some unnecessary negativity.  Also Karen is getting ready for her party, too.  Lots and lots going on, and they are so many that post support and so many we haven't heard from in a while.  We appreciate you and miss you when you're not around.

Jan...I am so sorry that this weather does this to you...plus all the crud happening again.  Sigh.  I guess when this many different personalities try to work together, those personalities get in the way.  That's why there will never be peace on earth until Christ comes again.  Please don't get too down, you (and Janet) can't make everybody happy.

Sugar....love your attitude!  I wanna be just like you when I grow up...LOL!!  But I am praying the Chelle gets better and that you don't get sick.  Take care of yourself....ok?

Love you all
Life isn't about about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
on 12/9/08 10:57 pm - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~

Well, its the middle of the week again and for the life of me-I cant figure out where Monday and Tuesday went!

Megan spent the day with me yesterday-and guess what? I got to FEEL my lil' Mackenzie moving all over!!! She was having a dance party or soccer game in there-thats for sure! It was so exciting and I was so happy that Megan doesnt care if I touch her belly all the time!! LOL....She came over to me and plopped down and showed me where to put my hands~~ I was so excited! The other day when she was here-every single time I took my hand away she would kick! LOL....So-that was the high light of my day!

She asked 101 labor and delivery questions yesterday and then said-Mom, why dont the books tell you that? Geez, I dont know! LOL....I guess people, for the most part-like us to sugar coat everything and beat around the bush! She said she wants to do it all without drugs-HOWEVER-she cried when 2 bees stung her a couple of summers ago-and I told her flat out-IF you thought THAT hurt-YOU WILL BE TAKING THE DRUGS! I will gaurantee this will not be a drug free delivery and I even suspect an epidural will be in order.....she hates needles-so she said NO Epidural-but I believe by the 2nd REAL contraction, she will be screaming for it-mark my words-LOL..... I will laugh and bring this all up-AFTER my lil' grand-daughter finally gets here!

We went into town to run a couple of errands and we stopped at the Front Page store-where you can buy a variety of things, very cheap-well, she saw this formal type gown-very seductive type-showed a lot of cleavage and nothing I would have ever worn before. She brought it over and asked me to please try it on......begged me. I said-thats an 11, it will never fit....guess what? Not only did it fit-BUT... I liked it-alot. It was RED too! The ONLY thing that kept me from putting it on layaway yesterday was that it was sleeveless and my extra arm flap skin was just too overwhelming in it! Beautiful and it sure brightened my day that it fit AND looked so kick butt! We may go back just to get a picture of me in it-LOL...for the scrapbook! The weather started getting really crappy, so we had to get going home. YIKES did it ever get cold! DANG! Yes-we got the crud, from the rain, to the sleet-freezing on our windshields, to the snow last night-and its still there this morning. Not alot-its colder outside than I want to even think about! ARGH! This weather is kicking my butt AND taking names when its done! Im praying so hard that one of these new docs will and can help me. If they cant switch something up OR change some stuff around, I dont know I will last all winter with this weather!

Stephanie called me last night. No, I didnt get to go meet her and Rose for shopping-was way too cold out and I didnt know how the roads were going to be. We saw 2 sand trucks out-so I just didnt want to chance it. Anyway-her best friend, Rose-Roses mother is in Columbia right now-she had to have a surgery, well, they found out yesterday that when they opened her up, she was FULL of cancer! Poor Rose! OMG...I started to cry. Poor girl! So, my mom loaded Rose up-and her little dog, and brought her home with them-so she wouldnt be all by herself. She is 18, but was home alone-and just beside herself! I hope that the weather warms up just a bit so that maybe I can get in and see the girls today after school. Will see. Could you guys say some prayers for Rose and her mom, and also for Stephanie-to be strong and know what to say or do to help Rose out right now! Ok....for me too.

Got a text from Cor-said that it wasnt as bad as she thought it was going to be-YAY for that!!!! She thanked all of us for our prayers and love. I am waiting to hear from her today-Im so glad it all went well and I think she is going to SAIL right through recovery!! YAY! WELCOME to the bench, Cor! We love ya, girl! *update* before I got this all done-Cor text me and they are letting her go home today. She is experiencing headaches and low blood pressure-so please say some prayers for her. Thanks.

Cant wait to see todays update on Baby either! Hope the lil one gets to go home today and be with her mommy! I think she will recover a lot better with Barbara nursing her! Praying for both of them and hope Barbara recovers fully quickly as well.

I have so much to do today. I have 6 boxes of Christmas decorations to get unpacked and put out, which means cleaning off the fireplace mantel and shelving units and all that...geez... I dont want to-but I have children and they want all the Christmas stuff out! So-I am making myself do all of that today. Tonite the kids will be getting all their ornaments on the tree. We had the tree up Sunday, but didnt have all the lights on it. Its a pre-lit 8 ft big boy, BUT....I didnt think there was enough lights-so I had a bunch more for it. LOL...so they are on and it looks so pretty. Maybe that will help get me more in the mood this year. I just have felt so down because of all the pain-so I hope when everything is decorated, that I will feel better. We have a lot of animatronics-and love them all! We try and buy one new big thing every year. We have the animated bigger pooh bear, mr. and mrs. clause and all of that-love that stuff. Every kid has been asking for a list from me of what I want-and I only told them 2 things this year-but Mike is getting those things for me-so now they are bugging me again, because my b-day is the day after-so they want enough ideas to cover both events....I just dont know! LOL....what I WANT....THEY cant give me. I would even take an HOUR of being pain free.....ONE HOUR? Would LOVE that to be Christmas morning!

I got some upsetting news last night (yes, besides Roses mom). BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse) is helping Renees boyfriends daughter and at court yesterday, I told Renee to tell them I said hi and named one of the big guys specifically-Tiny....well, thats when she told me that he died a couple of months back in a bad wreck! OMG! I didnt know that. We figured it was when I was going through the death of Mikes dad and all of that. I dont know how I missed it on the news and in the papers, but it sure broke my heart! I know that Biker groups get extremely tight-like a well oiled family, but this group really holds close to my heart because of what they stand for.

I really cant remember all individuals that have posted. I made notes last night and I cant find them. PLEASE KNOW...I pray for you when I read your posts AND...I think of you guys often!

**Jan-Im so very happy for Michele. Isnt that funny? I was praying that she finds someone who will give her a good life and not be like Jason. I know it may be soon-BUT...she has been in that situation for so long-she probably hasnt been IN love or even loved him for a very long time. A lot of people stay in those situations, because they get comfortable. They get scared of the unknown. God knows I have been there and done that-and I feel like she is where I was 13 yrs ago and enjoying getting to know herself and making her life the way SHE wants it-because NOW.....she KNOWS! She is really liking her life and herself now-and it just fills my heart with joy! I also LOVE the fact that she and you are getting so much closer-God is so good! Jan, Im so thankful God gave you that gift and that she came around. I know you, and I knew it tore you up-so that just makes me beam! I know how good I feel about having a relationship-a GOOD one, at that, with Stephanie-so I cant imagine ALL of those years going through that with her. I know that situation allowed you to witness to ME.....but-I know it was so hard all the same! Thank God! Amen!!!!

So when are you and Uncle Joe going to put a trailer on that trike that will hold your favorite neice and when are you coming by to get me for that trip? I will even go as far as to be your official "chauffer"....you know-with your sleeping issue and uncle Joes neck-I bet I could really help you-OR scare the crap out of you and you sell the trike! LOL~No, when are you guys planning on leaving? Are you going to AZ to see your daughter that moved?

I know what your saying about not making everyone happy all the time, I do-but I sure get MAD when people go out of their way to pick or say mean things-WHEN we havent attacked them. I TRY to be understanding, but geez, I just think that there is so much more things for people to be unhappy about. I guess, SOME can find ANYTHING to pick apart-and I decided last night, that there is ONE in EVERY group, unfortunately, that have to be difficult and I am NOT letting anyone, WITHOUT MERIT, bring me down OR what Sugar and I are trying to accompli****s not worth it. When I think of our group, and I may be partial, but I sure dont think so-I dont see what Monique described. So, Im sorry, but just like with everything else-its life and I am going to concentrate on the people that WILL appreciate what we are trying to do-and HAVE FUN!!! WOOOO HOOOOOO!

**Tammy V-How is your BIL? Did I miss an update somewhere? I am praying for all of you and hope everything is going good.

Im sorry your having slow weight loss-BUT...your loss-its nothing to sneeze at kiddo! I think you have done awesome! I think ALL of us say or think at times that we could do more, and more, or that we havent done as well as we believe we should. I believe thats normal. Dont be too hard on yourself! How tall are you, if you dont mind my asking? Who gave you the 155# goal? Just asking, because, if your tall, that may be a lot thinner looking than you know right now?! Im almost 5'9 and at 166-I have MANY people telling me I look TOO THIN and sickly. I wanted to be down to 155 too-so that, for once in my life-my BMI wouldnt be fat. Just normal! Im pretty happy with where I am now tho and as soon as I get my tummy tuck, I know I may hit the normal BMI.

Hope all is well with you. Keep us posted, k? Love ya.

**Sug-thanks for having my back! LOL. Should have never been made an issue, but-I appreciate the support. I will get that email sent with my measurements. Thanks. How is Skyler feeling? How is everything with all the kids? Keeping your gang in thoughts and prayers.

**Bec, Andy and Susan-DONT have too much fun without all the rest of us! LOL...Im so glad that you three get to meet-I KNOW you will all love each other! Have a good time-and Andy and Susan-please be safe on your way home! Update when you get settled. Love you three!

**Barbara-How are you today? How is Baby? Please post an update. Love you!

**Susie-So glad to hear hubby is feeling better. Thank God. Take Care!

**Sandy-I was glad to hear your doing better too!! Thank God! Take Care!

**Lou-CONGRATS! Your doing soooo good! Are you coming to the COF party? We want to see you there!! So-did you write that contract on the house the other day? If so-CONGRATS! We have to finish our tree too-we have never been this late before. Well, once-but Mike got in a bad car accident and we couldnt go cut it down (didnt have a fake tree till 2 yrs ago)...anyway-I HATE being being behind on everything! Makes me miserable! Have a good day!

**Renee-so we are going to be first time nana's together! LOL.....I just dont know how much more alike we can find out we are-its getting scary! LOL...I just am so overjoyed that we will be sharing our lil' tykes and the love that is about to overcome us!~ Our girls are going to graduate the same month, and it just seems like our lives are on the same road-doesnt it? Im so glad that God blessed me with you as a friend. Id be lost without you, thats for sure! Plus-I got 2 beautiful neices out of the deal, and I couldnt love them anymore, had I been a part of their lives from day 1~ They mean the world to me! Obviously-NOT many people would have gotten me up-in a church FULL of people I didnt know-to read in front of all of them....Mike couldnt believe Tiff talked me into it.....I will be able to use that one, for a long time-YAY for me! LOL....

Love ya sis.

**Tammy-Ammy-CONGRATS.....cant post it right now-I suspect you will be here shortly. I love you and WINK!

**Peggy-come on down and help me finish my house now!! LOL....Hope your feeling better every single day! Love ya

**Vesta-did you find that kit I told you about? I hope so.....so, have we talked you and Linda into attending the party? I think Jan is right-it would take your mind off of it- for an evening-and we can promise LOTS of hugs and laughs....COME ON!!!! PLEASE? PRETTY PLEASE? What will it take? I may be able to be bribed? LOL.....

Well, peeps-Im off here. Gonna messenger with Renee for a bit, do schoolwork and get this house decorated. OOOOO-If anyone knows where I can buy a santa suit-PLEASE let me know! Thanks. As always, your all in my thoughts and prayers. Janet

on 12/9/08 11:40 pm - pomona, MO
Yes Janet I got it tks so much..give our little baby a pat from us, cant wait until it is born, I know everyone there is ready, and yep she will be asking for something...lol...and more and more..lol
love ya ...vesta


Barbara S.
on 12/10/08 3:55 am - Freeman, MO
Good Afternoon Everyone;

I just got back from visiting Baby and she is doing great. They say if she is doing the same in the morning "SHE GETS TO COME HOME"!!!!     Tomorrow is her Birthday, isn't that a great present?
She was so excited today to see us. You should  see her walking with the full cast on her front leg, she holds it straight out to the side, if that isn't a funny sight. LOL  The nurses got tickled watching her cuddle up to me and giving me kisses. She has stolen all their hearts. I know I will really begin to heal tomorrow when she is home.

Thank You all for your support and prayers, never underestimate the power of prayer. I appreciate each and everyone of you.

I am doing as well as you would expect. I have had several people ask if I am a victim of abuse or did I have surgery on my face and neck but, no one guessed a car wreck?  What a hoot!

I still haven't drove yet, didn't think it was wise when I still get dizzy and I am so stiff and sore. It will come with time. I get a little better each day.

Better go rest.

Hugs; Barbara
Lap RNY ~ 4/22/2003
5'0" ~253 starting wt. 130 lb loss!
Extended Tummy Tuck with KU Residency Program
01/08/2010 ....Lost another 7 lbs with TT.

on 12/10/08 4:07 am - Purdy, MO
 Sorry I missed your post Hun. That's such good news about Baby. That will be such a wonderful birthday gift.
 I hope you get better soon and get over the dizziness. Love Ya

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
on 12/10/08 4:01 am - Purdy, MO
 Hello Everyone,
 Court didn't go as planned again yesterday, and it was pretty much crap. They had him done as a sentencing hearing and it was him pleading his case to get a public defender. I don't think he deserves to have one for many reasons. One reason is because Kayela didn't have a defense against him, so why should he have any. Another reason is he got a 42,000 death settlement from his dad and he just blew it, he even got on the stand and stated this, so why on earth should we have to pay for a public defender for him he had the money. And of course we were all very mad when we left the court room right behind them, but I swear not one of us said a word to them or even looked at them. We have to walk past their truck to get to Larry's mom's explorer and as we are walking he swerved over to our side and got right behind us (pretty much me because I was in the back) and started gunning his motor, I didn't turn around, stop or anything but the kids said if i would have he was close enough to hit me, and to top things off when the kids turned around they were laughing, this was to much for Lee to take so he just flipped him off. Kenny (the POS) stopped the truck and him and his friend jumped out and got on both sides of Lee, this didn't fly with me so I threw my jacket on the ground and jumped by his side. Lee told them go ahead I work for the Barry County Sheriff department, we can get you on so many charges right now, of course all they did was mouth and started calling Lee some horrible names so I told them well at least he's not a child molester, so Kenny looked at me and said I know you and your a "C" "B", I was like yep and don't you ever forget it child molester. ( I wasn't about to let them do anything else to my kid's they have already done enough damage to Kayela their not going to ruin Lee's bright future.) So as soon as they figured out I was going to keep yelling what kind of scum they are and that they really couldn't do much to us they got back in their truck. These people really make me sick, they had the nerve to laugh and joke about putting it off even longer. I'm starting to get scared they are going to push me to far.
 I want you guy's to know that I'm not a mean person and I don't encourage fighting, but when thing's have gone to far especially when it comes to my family and friends I will fight to the death and nothing or anyone can stop me. I strongly believe in the whole peace and love thing and for those of you that know me well enough know that that's true. Love is way more powerful then hate. I have prayed and prayed on this matter and will continue to do so. I know the Lord will give me strength. I do feel some what ashamed of the way thing's were handled yesterday, but there comes a time to let them know your not scared and they can't run you over.
 kayela doesn't know any of this happened and we will not be telling her about it, we don't tell her about all these court date's either, because there's no need for her to worry and be upset thinking about it especially with the way the court's are letting him run thing's and make a joke out of them.
 Sorry to have burden you with all that, but I just had to get it all out.
 I would like to give a shout out to BACA. These are some truly wonderful people, that do amazing work. They have helped so many children and the overly busy police department's. I am truly THANKFUL for these FINE men and women.
 Jan I can completely understand about Michele not wanting to call him her boyfriend yet, I'm going through the samething right now. I think it's great she is taking her time and making sure it's the right thing for both of them. I'm so happy they can openly talk to each other and share their feeling's. It will all happen when it should and there's no reason to rush thing's.
 I really don't think anything can go back to normal after this past weekend. LOL I'm so very happy for Lee and Kala. Poor Tiff is just beside herself and having such a hard time with them moving, the girl's are so close.
 No poor Miss Peanut didn't get to be in the wedding but she loves her new daddy.

 Tammy keep your chin up, this stall wont last long. You have already done such an amazing job.

 Susie I'm so happy your DH is feeling better. I hope you don't have to get out in this mess either, I just flat refuse to unless it's a have to case and everyone around here knows it.

 Lou I love the new pic, you look awesome. Keep up all the good work.

 Peggy thanks so much, I wasn't able to see mine or Lou's until I did that. Vesta's was showing up just fine though. It was about to drive me nut's.

 Sugar Hun thank you so much for the sweet comment's and the prayer's, they mean so much to me.
Please don't leave or change the way you are, you are a very special person that gives so much of yourself. You ladies mean so much to me and I hate the drama they are putting on you all. Know that I LOVE YOU and THAT YOU ARE A BLESSING TO ME AND MANY MANY OTHERS.

 Janet sis I will be praying for all of you. It's so horrible about Rose's mom, give the girl's a huge hug for me and let them know I'm thinking about them.
 I'm just simple thrilled about us being Nana and Memaw together, I'm still in amazement. Just think of the tea party we can have with them.... such a sweet thought. We will have to get them little matching outfit's. LOL
 I really don't think we could get anymore alike if we tried. LOL You are so very special to me and the 4 kid's and we love you so much. There's not a single day that goes by that I don't thank the GOOD LORD above for you. I love you and am so proud to call you Angel, Best Friend, and Sister. Thank you for being you.
 The girl's wanted me to tell you to look at your and Tiff's pic and how much you look a like. Kala pulled it up the other day and said look Tiff you look just like Aunt Janet and she looked, smiled, and said good cause Aunt Janet is beautiful... I'm so lucky. Know that we love you.

 Vesta I love the new pic, you look amazing.


 Bec It was great talking to you yesterday. I love you dear friend. I hope you had a great visit with Andy and Susan, it's always such a blessing to get to spend time with our OH family.

 Andy and Susan please have a safe trip home you are in my thoughts today.

 I hope everyone has a wonderful blessed day.
Love and Hugs

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Shannon C.
on 12/10/08 4:52 am - Kirksville, MO
Had to pour 2 pitchers of water on my drivers car door to get it open this am as it was froze solid.  Got the snow off the windows and finally got the car warmed up enough I could sit in it.  Most of the roads were clear when I got off at 2pm today so hopefully it will be better in the morning as I am dressed like a mummy going out in the cold.

Thank you all for the prayers as I am getting better each day.  I pray that I don't get the flu bug that i****ting everyone here as I don't have any sick time left.

Janet - you gave me warm fuzzies describing feeling your grandbaby move!

My dog Taylor is slowly losing the battle with his cancer as the tumors are getting bigger and when you touch him in certain areas it causes a great deal of pain.  He is for the most part pain free and eating well.  I really want to wait until after Christmas before making the decision but will do what has to be done when the time comes.  He gives the sweetest little kisses on your chin not like Cassie whom you have to watch as she goes hog wild with her kisses on your face - make sure your mouth is closed when she is luving you up!  Aunt Betty brought over a new big fluffy dog bed for Taylor and placed it on the floor in front of the wood stove and he actually chased Cassie off of it as though he was saying its mine - stay off!  I will truly miss him as he was my walking buddy when he is gone.

Finally heard from Stephanie and it seems like things are going well for them in japan.  She said her husband hogs the computer so she doesn't get on much.  I got an international phone card so will call her later as they are 12 - 13 hours ahead of us.  I really miss them so much...

You all take care and stay safe!



Andy W.
on 12/10/08 10:10 am - Tulsa, OK
Hey Everyone
Just wanted to write real quick and let y'all know we made it up to Columbia and back safe,  the weather held out for the most part,  when we drove from Columbia to Bec's house it got a lil shakey but we made it her house and was so glad to get off the hwy for the night.

Everything in Columbia went well,  I had my CT Scan and the appointments with the Nutrishionist and then the Pshyco doc,  both were really good and I some really good idea's from both of em.  Now on the 18th I have to go up for and EDG and Upper GI so hopefully with all the tests they will figure out whats going on.

We had the most wonderful, fabulous, exciting, awesome time at Bec's house,  she is such an great host and such a hooot,  We talked and laughed and talked some more, her and hubby Paul are such beautiful people,  if any of you ever get the chance to swing by their place you should do it, they will treat you like Kings and Queens.  We got her PC all ironed out so hopefully that'll be good to go for awhile.

***Jan*** I meant to tell ya when ya walked over that we we'rnt able to get the treadmill in the trunk, as big as my trunk is  lol  the treadmill doesnt fold up so the handles and electric part just wouldnt fit.  Thank you again for watching after the dogs,  dunno why the silly things wouldnt go outside for you  lol

***Bec*** Thanks again so much for your sweet hospitality,  you and Paul were such a huge blessing to us and just can't thank you enough.  We can't wait til we can visit with you both again!!

Thanks to all of you for the prayers for traveling and all, we made safe and sound with the Lords help.

Well Im gonna post this and prolly go to bed soon,  kind of tired even tho I slept like a baby at Bec's house. 


I Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
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