Christmas party
Dear Monique,
Im so sorry you were offended. It was not my, NOR anyone who attends COF to offend you OR anyone else who has small children!
I have read, and re-read the email that I WROTE and I SENT JAN to send out to those who attend the meeting-and it was NOT worded rudely, and Im sorry if you felt offended because your children happen to fit into the "tween" age that we could NOT ACCOMODATE! It is NOT because anyone doesnt LIKE CHILDREN, it was NOT because ANYONE thinks YOUR CHILDREN arent well behaved-it is PLAIN AND SIMPLE-A SPACE ISSUE.
Whomever told you that you could bring your children, was more than likely under the assumption we would be hosting the party AT the library. That changed when we switched the location, which IS NOT costing us money for a non refundable deposit and is allowing us the convienence of a kitchen, cooking area to utilize at the church, and was NOT changed due to children! I, myself, have brought my son to the meetings-and for my 5 yr old, HAVING to sit in a chair and play his game boy, ON SILENT....Sitting still, not interrupting and so on and so forth-IS NOT FAIR! So, we based our decision SOLELY on that fact that we had NOTHING FOR THE TWEENS!
Infants and teens ARE a totally different ball game! You should understand that, and Im very sorry IF you dont-but I sure didnt want this post to go by and have people think that our Christmas party is going to be one of drama and dismay-because its NOT!
We did NOT purposely exclude ANYONE BECAUSE THEY HAD CHILDREN, we do NOT dislike children-it IS PLAIN AND SIMPLY-there was a decision we made DUE TO LACK OF SPACE! PERIOD. THATS IT!
Im sorry you cant see that, I am sorry you are angry and I am sorry that you are giving up one of the best support groups there are-BUT....that is NO reason to be rude and hateful to people, who were NOT rude and hateful to you! I think you are a wonderful lady, and I have not had the pleasure of meeting your children, but whether I had or not-the decision was NOT based on Monique and her children, whatsoever! The decision was NOT even made by the person who thought you could bring your children, since we did NOT have the option of any of the childrens rooms OR any extra rooms besides the one we will be in, AND the decision was NOT made by whomever asked if your children were well behaved-the decision was just solely made when we found out we had just one area. Im sorry if you dont understand, but I hope that you know it wasnt and isnt aimed at you, no more than it is aimed at myself-with 4 children of my own! I have to find a sitter too, but Im not offended and didnt take it as kid bashing or anyone having a lack of the Christmas spirit-