Anyone heard anything out of Marylin?! Or Angie?
Marylin if you are out there, please contact !! I know you have been going thru a lot and you are constantly on my mind. I formed an instant friendship with you and now I miss talking to you. I love you lady and am concerned.
Also, anyone know when Angie will return? Man I miss her too!! She's a hoot!! Guess I will see her at the party if I don't heard from her before!
im hoping i can talk Sugar into comeing to your Chistmas party there are so many of you up that way that i would love to meet and to hug. lol we were so happy to meet several of your lovely ladies last month at our monthly meeting and was so much fun.
Hey Lynette,...I am on for a few today, been house hunting like crazy. I need to find a man with lots of money so I can buy a house and not have to worry about the price. There are so many nice places and the market they keep telling me is bad but these sellers aren't seeing it. They want 3 times what that stuff is worth. I know when I find the right place it is just going to happen and I am going to feel it's the right thing to do. I am hoping anyway. I have looked at this house and that house then that house again, then that house got sold and I am still trying to find what I'm looking for. I know about 20 houses have sold that I have looked at. Then I feel I missed the deal, but who knows. So see I have lost my mind,.....if you find it out there in an empty house would you bring it back to me???? I had decided that I wouldn't come to the party, but I am thinking twice about it now. So tell me again what I have to bring and how to get there. I will try and plan,..and you know how hard that is around here. Because there are so many to deal with I usually just ride the wave. Sam's baby weights about 20 lbs. He has almost got a tooth too.
I am fine just busy, I am going be ok. Just going to have to put my big girl panties on. Call me some time and take care.
Love Marylin
PS Glad to hear Susies doing good and hope your doing well also.