Jan C.
on 11/16/08 12:29 pm - Cedar Creek, MO

I guess I can no longer tease Joe about just contributing to the Conservation deptment, he went out this morning and wasn’t out but about a couple of hours and got a deer. I heard the gun shoot and know the sound if his gun plus I knew which direction he went. And I said to my self well he saw one any way so about 30 minutes later he came and stuck his head in the door and said well I got one. But had to come back and get the four wheeler. I cant pull it up that hill anymore. Any way we have it cleaned and put in the freezer all ready ..i packaged it up for the amount of meat we need for a meal ...and had 30 bags of meats...well now if he could or was allowed to get another one we would have enough ‘meat for a little while but I just bought a big turkey the other day , on sale for 77cents a pound...bought a 22 pounder. Will be enough for who ever decides to come on thanksgiving. Sugar what are you and Rick doing? Want to come down? I know that Michele is coming down and Kim and her family, don’t know about Steve. Guess we will see.

It is still cold but at least it is sunny today , wind still blowing but has gotten up to 60 already...pretty good especially since yesterday was only up to 36 here as high. Big old frost on this morning tho and 25 degrees. Well now that ive given you the weather report we can move on to other wonderful exciting news...lol


Tomorrow I have to get busy trying to see if I can find a cheaper but good Part D for our medications. The one we have is ok but keeps going up in price. Joes for this next year will be 70 dollars a month . now that is just stupid , when it is comes out of his social security it isn’t good. And then mine is 40 dollars and I know there has to be a better one  than that. My Lord I don’t buy 40 dollars worth of meds in three months.


Hopefully im finding the right way to do this post now. Lol I keep pushing buttons and changing things I will find a good way soon.


BARBARA  S::::::: well lets see , QUIT EATING THOSE CARBS GIRL ,,,,GET OUT AND WALK...DONT SIT DOWN GET BUSY..HOP TO IT. LOL   how was that ?? did you get motivated yet? 

Boy you all are going to have deer meat running out your ears aren’t you? If you need someone to give it too well Joes deer was a small one and I really like deer meat and --------lolhopefully our get to gether will inspire me too.


SUGAR::::: If I could go to water aerobics I would be motivated for that too but the only exercise I can do is in the house or out in the cold to walk .. I guess it is my own fault for living way out here in the boonies. Lol

How did your JOY class like the show ? did you get to introduce them to Steve?

Did Ember go deer hunting? Didn’t know she was interested in hunting.


I don’t know yet if Susan wants to come up and stay all night with you or not I will find out tomorrow for sure...im excited about going on our road trip , sure hope Joe will be ok , it always overclouds everything I do ....

Been watching Amazing Race and think you and I should do that lol. But the only thing is that if they gave us a big plate of something to eat we couldn’t eat it lol


DEB(POOH):::::::: wow what in the world do you do with all that deer if you are the only one that eats it? It was really cold out there yesterday wasn’t it, and just about as bad this morning just not as windy.

UMMMMMYUMMM love those mushrooms girl. We don’t know where to look so we don’t get a lot of them. But usually get at least a mess of them if we are lucky we will get enough for two messes.  I don’t know why you say you cant have them , unless you bread them and fry them? I take them and mix in some slices of Onion and sauté in a pan with a tiny bit of butter. Very very good.


SUSIE::::::::: so glad that you are getting better. It will take you a while to get your strength back, just start moving around some so you can build your strength. And get in your protein that builds muscles  and will help you get your strength. . take care and hope you will be feeling better soon and be at our support group on the 24th...


VESTA:::: yep very important to get those pneumonia shots isn’t it? How are you doing?


JANET:::::: i spent all day yesterday in my jammies too. But I was just lazy .Im so so sorry that you are hurting so badly and makes me want to take some of the pain for you. I could take more than what I have .

You are going with us on Wed aren’t you? Please do .

Glad your burns are looking better. I know how much things like that hurt. Saved a burning kitty huh? Don’t know if that sound believable or not tho.

What Mike did with his adopted dad was wonderful. Lol I know as a hunter it might be hard but the good feeling should replace it ...


Guess most mothers feel the way you feel right about now. I have always said that being the mother of teenagers is like living in Hell.


I will answer your email hopefully tomorrow. Know that we all love you and are praying for you


DEBBIE  D::::::: well if I had know it was your 29th birthday I would have said Happy Birthday . lol nothing like just going and buying what you want for your birthday. Cant wait to visit with you again on Wednesday...

Are you still feeling bad? Hope not and hope that you get better fast.

Don’t know where we are going shopping ? beats me I aint driving so I don’t know. Lol

Just as well i hate driving in cities.


LOU::::::::: well ta –da to you too . 45 pounds is really great. You are going to be  skinny minny before long. Looking forward to seeing you on the 24th...

Don’t know about the TVP  I thought that the only protein powder that our  bodys would utilize was Whey protein ...???  this TVP sounds good tho...will check it out for sure.

Don’t understand where the protein is coming from tho because vegetables don’t have protein do they?? At least not enough I wouldn’t think


BE C:::::::: lol poor girl I know how you feel . I got my new laptop for 300 dollars on sale is a really nice one ...wal mart has desk tops computers I think right now for 300. 


You said you weren’t at a loss for words but that sure was a short post. Lol

Cant wait to see you Wed. You can give me my grief then lol







Tammy H.
on 11/16/08 1:29 pm - Holcomb, MO
Howdy Guys & Gals....
Been busy with the kids this weekend and haven't had alot of time to be online....
Joe left for the deer woods Friday night after work and wont be back till Tuesday so I thought Id do some good house cleaning, lay around and run around...But instead I had my lil ones all weekend....

Bubba got off for bootcamp today....They left the bluff and went to St.louis because they have to leave from the federal building...Then in the morn early they will leave for Ft Lenordwood......Satruday night he was packing all his stuff up for storage and he gave me all his sleep pants...new camo jogging suite and his big camo coat..... He said since he couldn't wear em I might as well get some use out of em lol lol....He thinks its so cool that I can wear some of his clothes now lol.....
He's worried I will have my tt and wont be able to make it to his graduation...but I told him there is no way I would miss that....I want my tt really really bad but if it looks like things fall in place for it where I can't be on my feet to travel around the first week of Feb then I plan on having it the next week....It would have to be something big to make me miss something so big and so special with one of my kids.....
And he informed me before he left that I would soon have a daughter in law....I knew Hollie would end up being my DIL but just didn't know when.......But he plans to go active after he finishes up with basic and his AIT's and before they get it all wrapped up for him to leave to where ever he sets it up for they are getting married so she can go with him too.......So looks like I will end up learning how to deal with not having my son...enjoying my only DIL and probably not getting to be involved in my grandkids lives much........makes me pretty sad....But  I wish them well and hope that it all works out for them and he accomplishes all he hopes to......

Looks like I wont be coming for the 19th after all.....I guess it wasn't meant for me to come....got my car running ....turns out I got bad gas....it's spitten and sputtering now but should get better...but my big problem now is that it seems my heads cracked or busted......Guess we bragged on it toooo much.....We had thought about trading it off for a van since our family is getting so big cause the cars a lil small....But then we decided since it hadn't given us much trouble and was almost paid for we would just hang on to it and soon be rid of a payment.....but now that sevearl things are going wrong at once I guess we will go ahead and do a trade....
Then maybe I can work on planning to come another time...... I hope you all have a blast....be sure and take pics so we can all see how much fun you had....

Well after I sat down to start my post I started yawning like crazy....Im yawnin so much my eyes are watering lol lol...Guess I will give it up and go to bed.....

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday....
My prayers are with you all....
Luv & Hugs...Tammy~ammy





















 ~~~Happiness is being Christa's Nanna~~~
   Start~474lbs /Now~285 /Goal~200lbs
   Surgery:06~04~07 Total~191 lbs down!

Bec M.
on 11/16/08 8:59 pm
Wow it's Monday already!!! 

I'm going to have to make hay while the sun shines today!  Have lots and lots I want to get done!

I was so disgusted last night to get on and see that my post was blank!  I worked on that thing the bigger part of the day!  I kept getting interrupted but will try again to remember what I said and add a bit to it and then get my boo~tay out there and walk...

You girls are too funny!  There ain't nobody looking at me except possibly in pity! ~tee hee The poor trucker has not idea we have hashed him over so good!!! ~tee hee and he's probably just a nice fella!

Mimi ~ Sorry you had the fever but is sounded good to stay in the jams all day.... I used to do that quite a bit before surgery but not so much any more since I get out and walk every day...

Wow too exciting about Jo getting the deer after all this time!!!  And you got it all cut up and in the freezer!  You two are fast!  Sure wish I had some deer burger to mix in chili and taco meats stuffs like that...

I sure hope your right about having some SASS pretty soon... I know I sure don't have it yet and not looking for it before Spring but I'm for sure going to tell you when I have some! Kay?

I need to say something to those coming on the 19th... when I said I was bringing something for those coming to the lunch I sure didn't think ANYONE else should do that!  I just felt so honored that so many would want to come that I wanted to say thank you in whatever little way I could.  Please don't feel like you need to do something too... it's just not necessary.

Sugar ~ now go ahead and tell me about the Christmas Party!  I want to know... I told you I won't tell!!! (if I can help it ~tee hee)  That's too funny about Mimi telling Deb D. she's welcome for someone else's gift!!! She's a mess!!!  I never heard of "popcorn prayers"  That's just cute!  You are way to ornery for your own good!  I'm going to have to come hang with you so I'll know how to have some SASS! ~tee hee  And on the time to arrive at Peggy's... you come about noon! and I'll have her all squeezed out like a dish rag starting about 9:30! ~tee hee  I just loved it when you asked Barb S. if walking was her "torture of choice"  Too funny!  I don't know if I will be picking Marilyn u*****t... I will have to call her later today and see if she is going ... it will make the difference in how I go .... up I~70 or up 50...

I don't think the 50 bls makes all that much difference in me I always seem to have to lose a whole lot before it shows I'm solid as a rock!

Debbie Darl'n ~ HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Sounds like you had a good time... I will  have to go see the movie or be sure and rent it when it comes out.  It's been way too long since we've talked!  I'm sure praying that David finds the very very perfect job that I know the Lord has for him!  And I want to hear how the play your son was in went?  Where are you on your kitchen?  How is your mom and dad?  So much we need to catch up on!  Oh boy I can't wait to see you on Wednesday!

Barbara S. ~ YOU are my walking inspiration... so I'm going to try and give you a little "inspiration" back now... kay?  Whoopee Goldberg in the movie "Sister Act" said, "get up off that thaaaaaaang and dance till you feel bedda (better)!"  my daughter said that to me recently and I just busted out laughing and that did make me feel "bedda" ~tee hee  All kidding aside, I hope you do feel better, hope the headaches are gone and the ole carb monster is leaving you alone! 

Sorry about your "Baby" having that chicken stuck, and about her teeth also... I know you will take good care of her.. she's pretty fortunate to have you!

{{{Deb}}} WOW you have good hunters in your family!  That great so many got deer right away... I love to take the loins and put them in the crock pot and put cream of mushroom soup over them and cook them real slow... man they melt in you mouth!  good stuff!

The horses are liking the apples and the dogs didn't even show up... yesterday it was 27 when I went out and 36 when I came back in... it was heading for a heat wave!  I was worried I was going to have to shed something!!! ~tee hee  I had on long handles and very thick fleece over the top!  Too much for vigorous exercise!  It was getting scary!! ~tee hee

How is Laura doing?  Is she better now since she was in the hospital? ... is she able to eat better now?  I sure hope so.

Shannon~ I can't wait to hear how you time with your granddaughter went... it sounded like you had a fun day planned... that 1/1 time can be so fun!

Susy ~ I'm just so thrilled you are doing better ~ you are on your way my friend!

Karen ~ Oh boy how exciting to only be one lb from goal!!! WOW

Renee ~ I hope you dad is going better and got to come home.  I want to see you in the red dress!

Jeanine~ You are in my thoughts and prayers!  I hope you are doing ever so well... I was so glad to hear you passed your leak test!  I just know you are heading for such wonderful good things!

Tammy Ammy ~ Oh I'm so sorry you are not going to be able to come on Wednesday!  Oh how I wanted to meet you! But understand....

Boy do I know what you mean about not missing you son's graduation... both my daughters graduate in May one in Texas on Saturday afternoon and one here in MO on Sunday.... we will have to drive all night to get to the next one... but it will be ever ever so worth it!

It is hard not having your kids close enough to be with them... I don't know if I will ever get used to it....

Janet ~ my dear angel friend.. I am faithfully lifting you to the Father asking Him to meet your needs... I like Sugar wish I could give you some of my spirit and it would carry you when you just don't think you can do it yourself.  If I could "will" you that I sure would... but I know I can trust my Heavenly Father to do what He knows is the very very best for you!  Oh oh boy I simply can't wait to give you a "gentle" squeeze like Sugar says... I CAN do it if I try!!! ~ ha  I told Jeanine that you told me to give her a hug but after looking at her I said I was not going to do it and she said, "you can give it to me on this side" so I did very very easily... if she had lost that I.V. in her neck after all she went thru I would of simply throwed my self in front of a truck!!! She is such a trooper... I was nearly heartbroken at what she had to go thru!!!  WOW!!! Anywhoo I delivered it like you asked...

Sorry poor little Jon has been sick.  The ornaments you are going to make sounds like fun.  That is simply wonderful that Mike would take the time for the step father!!!!  You are right he WILL be rewarded for such as that!  Hang in there with the teen! This to shall pass!
Sheila ~ how you doing? Can't wait till you get that good job back!

Lou ~ That's interesting about the protein you mentioned.... seems really inexpensive.

Blondie ~ glad you are getting better I sure hope you will be up and on top real soon!

Well I'm going to get off here and get motivating... it will be a busy day today... I seen it is already 40 degrees out there and the sun's not even up yet... so must going to be a warmer day....

Love and blessing to you all... have a good day!

on 11/16/08 10:54 pm - Purdy, MO
I will post more later, just wanted to let you know my dad is feeling better and came home yesterday.
I posted 2 pics of me in the black dress. I'm still not for sure this is the one but it sure is in the running. I've never wore a dress like it before, and boy do I need to learn to stand straight up. LOL
Love you

 If He bring's you to it.... He will bring you through it.
Bec M.
on 11/16/08 11:36 pm

Renee ~

I'm glad to hear your dad is doing better! and got to come home!  Hope he continues to get stronger every day!

Say..... look at you in that dress!!!!  It won't be long and that wedding is going to be here!

I can't wait to see you all on Wednesday!

Blessings to you dear lady!


on 11/16/08 9:30 pm - pomona, MO
Good mornin everyone sounds like everyone is having good luck with deer hunting..none have showed up at my door yet...lol

Jan we have Humana for just our medicine and it pays everything and mine is $20.00 a mo.
We have Admiral life for our supplement, to medicare, we are really happy with  both.... we meet with our insurance man next week for our yearly sign up...he is a good insurance man ..he takes care of us..he is independent so if he finds something cheaper he tells us....
It is terrible what a person has to pay for insurance but we have to have it...my medicare is close to $100.00 also my supplement is around $100.00 and the same for Virgil..in fact his is a little higher...so you can see what 1 household for 2  pays out...but I cant complain because all the surgeries I have had in the last 2 years they paid everything..I think I was out $100.00 for a test they didnt pay for..

everyone have a wonderful day the Lord has made....vesta


L. Rios
on 11/16/08 9:37 pm - Springfield, MO

Great news! TVP is soy protein. If you google it, it tells how its made.  Its from soy beans.  I'm going to try it today in my oatmeal.  I will let you know how it is.  This one lady that was telling about it puts it on yogurt, its kinda like granola looking.  Anyhoo the meeting is on the 24th?  Sounds good.  I hope you all have a great time on the 19th sorry I can't make it.  I know you will all have a great time.  Well I have to get crackin, busy day today.  Hope it is a great one for everyone! Lou (~.~)

Jan C.
on 11/16/08 9:54 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
just a word of caution,,.if anyone has throid problems Soy can and will mess it up more somehow,,,forgot exactly what it does but remember that from one of the studies i found for wls people



on 11/16/08 11:56 pm - Diamond, MO

Good Morning Auntie Jan and OH Peeps~

I only have a second this morning....Jon is sick again. Worse than Saturday and so my morning has consisted of the puney, sick, I need attention time.....I feel so bad for him. Darrel also woke up not feeling 100 percent, but nothing like Jon-and no fever-so I gave him meds, and sent him to school with cough drops and hand sanitizer.

Please say some prayers for them. IF there is no improvement today, we will be going to the doc in the morning OR urgent care if their PCP cant get them in. ARGH. So-my whole plan of going on Weds-will be shot to heck and back-if the boys are still sick. I want to go sooo bad-and I heard Cor is going to be there and I so want to meet her-really bad!!! I just want to hug everyone, those I know and those I havent met yet....So...I am saying extra prayers! Please say some extra prayers as well....I NEED them to be better and I NEED the time away-I really NEED this day! Megan is so pregnant and sick anyways, that I sure dont want her watching Jon and catching something-to make her feel even worse than she already does most days.

Ok-this post may go down in the guiness book of post records for me-but I just wanted to pop in and ask for prayer for the boys AND for myself-so I can be selfish and go on Weds......To everyone who needs them-prayers are going up. I love all of you very much!!!! Love and prayers-Janet

Craig Watts
on 11/17/08 4:50 am - Green City , MO
Hey Jan and everyone Hugs to all..Iam doing ok just busy as a beaver this week, getting my house winterized some more..You know you think you got it fixed and then a cool breeze comes from someplace else LOL...doesnt help for ppl to come to your house and keep going in and out. Since Ive lost weight I get so cold now...brrr....Iam glad to see everyone is doing ok..I hope the best for your get together..I wish I didnt live so far away from you all...BUT, I will make it to the next reunion if I have to hitch a ride LOL no I'll make it. Jan tell Joe my brother and everyone is deer hunting . My brother saw the famous Albino Buck that has been around for years. They put out rotten apples from my tree at their stands...My brother builds the stands..They have a cabin in the woods that has everything a home would have..pretty nice..I havent been there yet. But, I will be going.

My brothers, sister n law lost her husband last week, He had been in the hospital for three weeks ...He was out with his mother on the farm and a heifer turned on him and tossed him in the air and then stomped on him..they did three surgeries but he was to messed up..he was only 51 its so sad....

Leta is going to have surgery on her gall bladder , she is checking on it today...Plz remember her in your prayers...Also, plz pray for my older brother Richard...He lost his wife in 1990 with cancer..ever since he has gone down hill fast...he has a pacemaker/deflib and his Doctor told me that half his heart on one side is completely dead..I really dont know how he is living but we are trying to help me...he is so aggiated these days..I can really see why..he weights over 350lbs or more..he just eats and eats....we cant get him to stop...just plz remember him in your prayers also...

Take care everyone and God Bless...Craig

Craig Lee Watts 
"Reach Out & Touch The Lord As He Goes By"

426 lbs Starting weight
212 lbs Goal Weight
159lbs AS OF 05,18.2013_______________________

267lbs PRAISE GOD.....


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