Dr. Leslie and the DS Lap? How 'bout Dr. Buchwald?
Hi Peach - my understanding is that Dr. Leslie may do the DS lap; however, his # of DS procedures performed are NO where near Dr. Buchwald's. Given the fact that the DS is a complex surgery, you may want to really think about this. There actually are some benefits to the open procedure. I asked the same question about 2 months ago here. Tammy Bishop was gracious enough to answer me and fill me in. There is a lot to be said for an open DS with Dr. B. performing! I've been through this first series of appointments and have met with Dr. B. one-on-one also, so feel free to PM me anytime. I also would encourage you to seek out PattyL., DramaMamma, TammyB, JulieP. for their perspective. While they are passionate about their surgery and surgeon, they will also answer any questions you have about the DS and the MN surgeons honestly. At least that has been my experience. Best wishes & glad to see you posting here again.