Good Morning Coffee Drinkers
I'm enjoying my first cup of coffee.It didn't get as cold as they predicted last night,it's only 12 below.I would never move to the Sunshine State and I have seen it snow in July!! I remember sitting watching the fireworkds in winter coats wrapped in blankets. Nothing is more beautiful that looking out my window watching the snow softly falling and seeing eight deer crossing the lake on the ice. I can't imaging anything the Sunshine State can offer more beautiful than that..Have a great day I'm off to work,we're catering a wellness seminar today.
Good morning everyone.
I am running late today. Apparently I needed some sleep.
Busy day. Going to go see how the dealership is on getting to my price of a used Land Rover. Grocries, laundry and some housework. Make a couple meals for my parents, my dad comes home today after having knee replacement on Wednesday. (the main reason for my surgery)
Good Day everyone.
We write our own destiny. We become what we do.