Why did my Asthma come back after all this time?
I've had two episodes in the past week where my asthma has re-occured. Since WLS in 2005, I have NOT had ONE attack.
Suddenly, last week, I had a double whammy and was in the ER for quite some time as Shannon had posted. My allergies usually trigger it, but something this time was more severe. I woke up Sunday with a horrible cold and was nearly unable to drive home. The Saturday prior, I was fine, perfect, no problems no symptoms nothing. I landed in the ER on Tuesday, had 2-3 breathing treatments, ended up with a low white platelet count, and everything else looked fine. Since then I went back to work but the coughing wont stop. I can't sleep well, I toss and turn and have been sleeping propped with pillows.
Over the weekend I was doing much better, had great fun this weekend and today, I went into work and about 9am started to have another asthma attack. I explained to my boss that I needed to go home and now, I am to provide a doctors note when I leave early due to my absense last week. That beside the point, my BP today was 189/110!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had started in the redi care, and ended up in the ER with IV, meds, and 3 breathing treatments. I came home about 4 hours later with scripts that I had filled at Walgreens that cost me nearly 59.00.
What could have triggered my asthma to return after all these years --- pre op I had chronic asthma and after WLS I have had nothing. Not until now.
I have a humidifier going in my apartment, I keep it around 68 in the apartment and other than always being cold, try to stay healthy. This is the first big bout with my asthma that I've had and it concerns me.
Your input would be appreciated. I am following the docs orders and see my PCP on Thursday to determine what's causing this. Could asthma be signs of pneumonia? I dont know.
Thanks in advance.
Stacey W
I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this. How horrible!
I would think that stress might be the factor that is causing your asthma to recur. It seems that you have been extra stressed because of your job. Maybe that is the problem?
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Edited to add this link http://www.webmd.com/asthma/guide/stress-asthma
yes it is work related. and then, the icing on the cake persay came today certified return receipt requested my PCP = also a nurse practioner refuses to see me after march 28th due to all my pain issues. I was devastated to say the least, in tears, and ..........finding a doctor in this town is very difficult. I have been here nearly 5 years and have gone from doctor to doctor to doctor and they all just have poor quality of care. The list in her letter basically indicates I have serous need for my panic attacks as well as pain management due to the osteoporosis and i believe that she just no longer feels qualified to care for me. Yet I saw her last week and nothing was spoken of this.
I guess my quest is on to find a new doctor, and in the meantime, i cannot call in sick now without a doctors note, and not having a doctor, means I either have to go go redi care or end up in the Er like I did again today.
Stress..................isn't the word.
Highly irritated and upset is.
Thanks for your concern and care.
I'm in the same boat stacey. My bp still isn't under control, but we did figure it to be stress related. As for the asthma, mine has been gone since about a year post op. But i do know that my daughters asthma (which is usually allergy related) flares up like crazy if i run the humidifier.
i think you should be evaluated by a pulmonologist to get it straightened out.
I think your boss is a jerk! feel better
Thanks Linda,
I'm working on it, sometime this week, I will find someone who can care for me. This is a big blow to my health, as I had counted on this woman to care for me.
Doctors here in MP are hard to find that can handle WLS patients, cancer survivors, panic anxiety disorders, asthma, and the other ailments I have including osteoporosis. What really hurts hard is that this whole day has been going downhill from the minute I went home from work sick, ended up in the ER, twice in one week (last week the same day) and my bp was so high they were concerned about my heart. I do have a small murmur and that has been brought to my attention.
So far, though the meds seem to be helping but its temporary -- until I find a good doctor. I might end up going to Midland or Alma, perhaps Clare of even further. I can't go without my meds, especially the ones for my chronic illnesses.
And its hard to find a supportive WLS doctor here- I've been through 5 in the past year and a half.
Thanks for your words of encourangement. at a time like this, these words and wisdom mean a great deal.
All my best to you and your daughter :)