monday fast approaches xpost
as my day approaches on monda.y.... i am excited... i am nervous energy.... i just talked to my sweet lil emma probably for the last time before surgery and we played the i love you more than game.... and she loves me more than pie and cupcakes..... and THATS why i am doing this.... cuz i want to be old and grey and having her love me more than pie and cupcakes.... and i want her to teach her lil brother to be the more than more game..... and i want to see my daughter graduate from college...... so i AM EXCITED.... i am not scared... i am not doubtful....i am prepared....and i am on my way...... right now.. just bored silly...... laughs.... still have to pack...i am a last minute kind of gal when it comes to packing..... and right now am just rambling........ been reading just about all the posts... cuz i am bored... and watching an NCIS marathon.... house is clean, laundry is done..... soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ...... just thought i would come here and post... so heres my post.... lol....