High blood pressure and anxiety 3 1/2 years post op
I went to the doc after hurting my collar bone/shoulder. By bp was extremely high, 190/110. I did have high bp pre op, but never after so the doc attributed it to the pain. So i go back the next week, and it was even worse, 220/130. So he puts me on bp meds and tells me to come back next week. So i went back and it was the same. I told him about the stress i'm under right now due to family, money, and mother in law issues. He had me do some deep breaths and the bp came down, showing it was all stress related. So he gives me higher bp meds and a low dose anxiety med 0.5 mg of klonopin. While i do feel a lot better, i'm still a little shaky and nervous. Does anyone know anything about this? Does he need to up the anxiety med or will it work out eventually? I'm gonna go now and do some research on it, but just wanted to know if anyone here knew anything about it?
Oh and the meds are making me constipated and i have no appetite. I drink a gallon of water a day and use flax already.
Linda: I read with great interest your post about anxiety. I will be 4 years in April, and have had to recently go on anxiety meds. Actually Klonopin and 0.5 mgs. It helps but I am too shaky. While I am under stress, I don't know if it is any more worse than it has been over the past 4 years. Will be anxious (no pun intended) to see if anyone else responds. Take care.....and remember to breath!! Tracey
My bp has been a little higher. I am actually seeing my psychiatrist on Tuesday about the shakiness. I was short of breath...thought I was having a heart attack. They admitted me to the hosptial for 48 hours since they thought I was having one too. Happened to give me a klonopin and wham...the chest pain went away. Unlike you, I have had problems since having my surgery.
You don;'t want to leave your house cause you might be depressed. That is a symptom. Anxiety goes hand and hand with that.
Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you want to chat further privately. I know just how you feel, my friend.