Sliders Food
I have never heard the term "slider foods". But i do have some advice for you. Knock it off! You know you're doing wrong, and you're only saboutaging yourself. Get all the junk out of the house and stop buying it. Stick to protein , it keeps you full the longest. If you snack, make sure it's sugar free and not carbs. Drink your water and get some exercise.
I'm not trying to sound harsh, but you put your body through a major surgery to get healthy, don't forget how miserable you was when you started your journey. You still have your tool, you just have to re-learn how to work it.
I also think you should contact your nut and get back on track. Good luck!
Slider foods are things like crackers and chips and others that just turn to dust in the pouch and then slip on through. You can eat a lot of these foods and not feel full like you would if you ate some protein.
Linda's right about getting back on track and figuring out what to do. You can do it, but remember it won't happen fast like it did post op. That was one of my problems....I quit losing and then figured I could just drop 20 lbs. in a month like I did before. No way! I've been trying to lose these last 20 for 6 months!
You'll be ok if you don't give up and if you sit down and remember what you've been through so far. You didn't gain back all of your weight, so you're still ahead of the game. Start tomorrow and fill your house with good foods that will keep you feeling full.
Good Luck!!!