MMPC, PH, VSGer's--May I ask a $$$$ ? ?
I would call Priority Health. My boyfried had neck surgery 4 months ago, the only thing that applied to his coinsurance was the hospital fees and Anesthesia charges. The physician fees - MMPC - does not apply to coinsurance. Labs are included in Blodgett bill.
You can also go online to Priority Health, and check your benefits. Look for the section - "Out of Pocket for Contract _______________ - The individual Out of Pocket should be the max you will pay for Blodgett and the Anesthesia services. I would also verify with them if Weight Loss Surgery is paid at your normal coinsurance level or at a lower level. Some may only pay at 50% rather than the 80%. If this is the case, your 50% responsibility does not accumlate toward your Out of Pocket.