Sharing My Walk with You
this is my first attempt at something like this - it's a little dark, given that I took these shots tonight after work....but I thought you all might like to come on my walk with me - this shows a lot of what I see on the way....I'm lucky to be able to walk by the ocean every day.
LOVED IT, checked out the site,,, thought I would try it out,,, so I did
here it goes,,,
Not of my walk but of a trip I went on a few back before WLS to Saint Johns New Brunwick to see our Lewiston Maineiacs play. The hotel is connected to the mall thru a tunnel and a over pass that crosses the street. You can even get to the farmers market. When you see the soda machines the two pictures were taken just minutes apart check out the price!!!
Hope I did the link right...... Linda skin_id=601&utm_source=otm&utm_medium=text_url
hey, LInda, we've been there, My son had a swim meet there. the pool facilities was right there at the mall. it was cool... and my DD was 18 and thought she was so cool cause drinking age was 18, so her and a friend who came with us was able to have a drink with dinner. never went anywhere all weekend, stayed right there at the mall/hotel/pool... nice Montage LInda, thanks for sharing.