Lexington conference
Time is running out to get your discount for the OH event ..
check out the website for more information..we have several more speakers to add and alot more activities not shown.
If you would like to attend contact me for more information and the discounted price.
you may contact the Radisson hotel direct for your accomodations, just tell them you are with the ObesityHelp event in Oct.
any questions let me know!
Hi Dave, I am confused. I will look at the events page to see if something there states a one day. Or maybe the fact the page is not full is confusing..the actual events will take place
thurs eveing (special preop session)
Friday all day class room and friday evening custome party
Saturday all day with activities closing at 6pm
you have awhile to sign up ...we will even take money at the door if we are not full to capacity. Just keep in touch and I will let you know what's happening
email me anytime if you have further questions
[email protected]