well april 6th at 1pm i see dr prater at pathways he says he is going to try to bill medical card since iam already in treatment at pathways for other things so i hope it goes there i told him that i found out that the only reason medical card is covering it at other psych is cause they are putting it in as regular counseling so i hope medical card pays for it i had the $140 but i had to use it when we went to court when our landlady was trying to evict us but iam keeping the appointment with dr prater now if i can get the nurses at my family doctor to get my record to kim miller i be alright
Jessica..keep your head up and you will be alright. I know its hard, I am a single mom and I am in nursing school so I do not have the time to work, and every time I hear another $50, $80, or $100 I just want to cry. But don't give up. When I get to the point where I don't know what to do I just pray about it and it will usually work out for me. Not always as quickly as I would like, but it still works out. Keep smiling.