Needing skin removal badly!!! Will insurance pay????? Please help
Hi Tammy, I don't know who your insurance co is but I do know that if u can prove medical necessity for the procedures most insurances will pay. I have started keeping a daily log of problems that come from my skin issues. I also have been having my hubby take the dreaded naked pics of me once a month to show the skin. If u want to email me privately I have a letter one lady wrote to her insurance co and got them to approve all of her procedures. I have my consult with a PS on Feb 1 and all I plan on paying is for 2 saline implants cause my insurance says they will pay everything else, I meet all the criteria so they had better pay. Email me at [email protected] and I will get u a copy of that letter. I am also going to use it, just change it to where it fits me.
Good luck
Hope this helps!