done with pre op work
i did all my pre op testing today at saint josph east they told my white blood count was low and my sugar count was high so i dont no what that means but every thing else was fine i have been approved already so i dont no what is next. for me thank every one for all ur help because i really dont have anyone elsa to talk to
Tina, I glad to hear that you were approved for the sugery. If the office don't call in a few days and let you know where you stand with your blood work, then call them. I have always had wonderful response to any questions that I have/had. Karen or one of the others will call you back and tell you what you need to do to get your sugar levels down and your white count up. It probably will require some adjustments to your diet. Or it might not mean anything depending on the levels themselves.
Just don't get discouraged. Start a journal to write your thoughts, both good and bad down. You will be surprised how much it helps. Also, down the line you can look back and laugh at what you felt before and after. It is also a good tool for helping others. Because we forget as time passes.