A couple of WOW moments!
I made myself a promise not to let my WOW moments slip past me this year, so here goes:
Last Sunday I finally completed a project in my backyard I have been avoiding for 7 years: With the help of my son and husband, I cleared out the area around my air conditioner and laid 1,000 lbs of gravel over some landscaping cloth to prevent re-growth of the weeds. The WOW part is that I didn't have to go in and take a nap or pain meds for my back!!! YEAH!!!
The second WOW moment occurred when I came home one day and saw that my husband had hung my slacks on one of my 6 yr old daughter's "mini" hangers...and they fit! It really weirded me out for a minute when I realized that those were MY slacks hanging there on the tiny little hanger!
Here is wishing you all a great day!
Thank you all for joining my in my little celebrations. It is nice to know you are all there.
Dawn, I hope you are getting things settled. Just let me know when you get a temporary place. I have some pots and pans and a few other kitchen items for you.
Ellen, I really enjoyed seeing you again at the clothing exchange.
Jessica, You looked great last weekend. I can't believe you even felt like being there!
Linda, I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you last weekend, but I hope to at another event soon.
Thanks again Ladies. Hope to see you all again soon.