I'm glad that you had such a nice weekend Dave---good luck with all that is on your plate now.
Bella is SOOOOO cute, Carol!
Keep us updated Crystal! Surgery may be within the month! WOW!
I am working this morning then to the library to pick up the movies "The King and I" and "Anna and the King" so that Liv and I can watch them. I tried to get them on Friday, but it was a wild goose chase to say the least.
Liv and I went to see "Coraline" (in 3D) on Saturday night. We enjoyed it. Then we picked up some Chinese to have at home and got a good night's sleep.
Last night, we went to a meeting at Pec Playhouse and have decided to jump in with both feet and help them get a middle school age "drama club" going. Liv had a great time playing drama games with their high school aged group and she wants to pursue this venue.
Todd and the boys camped all weekend and David came home with a hole in his chin that I think should have been stitched when it happened. His snowboard hit him in the chin and cut him all the way through his lower lip! The cut is not very big (1/4 inch) but it DID go all the way through. Todd could not decide if it needed a stitch when it happened, and they wound up applying first aid and going without. By the time they got home, I was 95% sure that it would have been too late so I cleaned it out and applied a bandage. It has started bleeding through, so today, I am going to pick up some butterfly bandages and hope for the best. He will now have a "rugged scar" on his chin to help him pick up chicks (at least that what HE said.....).
Tomorrow, I am taking LIv to Madison to see the ENT specialist that fixed David up when it was necessary. Liv has a lot of ear trouble so we are going to see if this doctor has any ideas to help her.
I am hoping to see you all in Elgin on Saturday. I do not know if the whole family is coming or just me. We will see, Todd was talking about having the first fire of the year if it gets warm like they predicted.....
Everyone have a lovely day and remember to be grateful for all your blessings.
You have my #,
See u then
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
For me to day not much going on, going to the Good will and looking for some jeans, all mine are to big now, Today all the clothers are 1/2 off,
other then that same ol same ol.
Hope everyone has a great day and see you Sat.
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
I did not sleep well last night. Just tossed and turned so I'm a bit on the tired side today. We have visitors from India today at work. Big day, full day.
Weekend was good, not too busy. Had some down time to just be lazy. I love lazy days.
My foot surgery is on Thursday. I'm trying to get everything in order at home since I know I will not feel up to doing much at least for a few days. I found out we will have overnight company on Saturday. As much as I love to see my grandkids and stepdaughter, I'm really not thrilled about this visit. I know from my first foot surgery that I am not going to be up for company and to top it off, they want us to keep the kids Saturday night while they go out. Well, a toddler running around is not going be fun. If she wants to crawl up and snuggle with Nana that would be great but you can't keep this girl down. LOL
Hope everyone has a blessed day!
I haven't been around much lately, just been busy and addicted to Facebook...LOL
Things are good here. Tyler was very sick all weekend, started with a 102 fever on Thursday afternoon and pretty much stayed that way til yesterday. Once it broke, he was feeling much better, enough to go to school. lucky him huh? lol
I went out on Saturday with an old and very dear friend of mine and we met up with a bunch of people we went to high school with. It was very fun and I will be going to church with her this Sunday too! I am so glad that we reconnected, it's been too long.
Last Thursday morning I finally went to the Dr about the pain I was having in my shoulder for the last several months and he gave me a steriod shot right into it, since I can't use the strong anti inflamatories he wanted to give me. Today it's feeling SO much better and I can actually move it in ways that I haven't been able to. yay!
I am dealing with some "head issues" that I think I am getting under control. it stinks. I really wi**** would warm up and get nice out already!! I want to putz around in my garden!
Well have a wonderful day all!