Liquid Vitamins.... yuuuck!!
I received my liquid vitamins... I was tired of the nasty chewables....
.... and the liquid is the nastiest tasting stuff I have ever had the displeasure of putting in my mouth... and I have eaten some real yucky stuff! (No, we ain't going there!)
I have tried mixing it with some Crystal Lite... and all I did was ruin a good glass of Crystal Lite.
Anyone had any luck with this stuff?... I am going back to chewables...
They also have vitamins in chocolate chews!!! There not bad. I am trying the vitamins in a tropical chew flavor now. There pretty good. I also like the calcium chews. The strawberry creme taste like those hardcandies called cremesavers. There great!! And you can get all at Walmart! Hope I helped!!!
Have you tried the chewable vitamins called Optisource? They are available online from Walgreens and specially formualted for bariatric surgrey patients. They taste fine to me, Becky Farmer recommended them and I have been taking them for 2 months now with no problem.
Just a thought.........
Kelly S