Possible internal Hernia
Well, last week was terrible!!!! Wednesday I started having terrible, bending over, couldn't lie down or stand up abdominal pain. Thursday, my boss told me to so see my doctor. I went to Dr. Hobsons office and was sent for an abd CT scan. She ( one of his partners) told me that from my symptoms, it sounded like I have an internal hernia from the surg. Ofcourse when I had my scan, I was not hurting, but it started back up on my drive home. I go back and see Hobson on Tues. We will go over my test results( I already know it didn't sshow a hernia, but that isn't to say I don't have one....good thing I work in x-ray) and decide what I am to do. I am still having pain, not as sever as it was. Once I know whats up, I will let ya'll know!
Oh Cynde, I know exactly how you feel. My first hernia surgery back in May didn't show up for nearly 2 months on CT Scan. Once is did show up, it was an internal hernia where the small bowel is rerouted thru a window from behind the colon. Because of the huge weight loss, the tacking that kept it in place had broken loose and all of my small bowel had come up thru the window and settled under my diaphragm. However, once I had it repaired I felt so good after 3 weeks I got out and helped my boys mow the yard... felt a pop, and ended up with a 2nd hernia, and surgery again. Second hernia surgery was fairly easy. Unfortunately, I'm feeling like I have a third one now. I'm trying to figure a way to get insurance to pay for an abdominoplasty to strengthen up the muscle to avoid another one. Not sure if it'll work, but it is worth a try as medically necessary. I just hope it doesn't become an emergency for me again, and end up with only the hernia repair and no abdominoplasty.
Take it easy, and don't pull a me!!!!