Surgery on October 16th
The big day is close!! My original appointment was set for the 17th, but got changed. I'm a little hesitant about the 16th because it's my daughter's birthday. She's not too happy with Dr. Richards! I told her that next year, we'll be celebrating together!
Everyone ask me if I'm scared. I'm not, but I'm just wanting to get everything organized before the big day. I feel like I'm nesting before having a baby. Jeez!!!
I do hope to become a frequent user here. It's a great site & loads of help.
Surgery was a success! It was a lot easier recovery than I had expected. I almost went to the support group meeting the next night after the surgery, but I didn't want to go in my pajama's & robe!! LOL
I did meet Becky! She came in with Connie & said, "are you from Blairsville?" That was neat.
I do recommend the book "Before & After". I read it while in the hospital. The recipes in there look great too.
I've had some diarehha. Is that normal? Lot's of gas passing.
The barium thing just really reaks. It was the worst part of the whole procedure.
Monday was a blur. I was so out of it. Told the ER nurse when she asked if I remembered what happend, I said I just had a baby!! LOL (i did 10 years ago that day)
Everyone has been super supportive and my best friend even stayed with me both nights! She's wonderful.