Repost on doing Secret Pals
Ok---due to unforseen cirumstances....I had to go past the date I set to get this party started. SO here is the game plan. October 1 2006 is the new deadline. Anyone interested in joining us please email the addy below.
See ya'll in the funny papers!!
P.S. I do have the info that ones have emailed to me. No need to resend unless you dont hear from me!!
Hi all
I was asked when this would get started -- so as I sat at work last nite thinking about hte wonderful time I had at the conference...I thought--Lets get started, so here we go.
Now--I have thought we might do something different this go around--We have so many that ask can they join us here in bama for the SP that we give it to them. I will post this option to those in FL and GA also--but will be available to anyone that request this within the deadline set. This will give all of us a lil more spice to guessing---Just "WHO" is my secret pal
Anyone wishing to join us for the next round of Secret Pals PLEASEsend this in an email to me at [email protected]
1: What are your likes/Dislike?
2: What are your hobbies? Do you collect? If so what?
3: How do you relax at the end of your day?
4: What is your favorite Past time?
5: What are your favorite snacks/drinks Pre-op or Post -op
6: What is one thing that you would love to buy yourself but never have?
7: Do you have animals? If so what kind?
8: Married? Children?
9: What is your biggest achievement?
10:What is your email address and physical address?
11: Do you like Candles?What kind? Aroma therapy?
12: Anything that you would like to add?
13: and Finally--What do you hope ot get out of this?
If there is anything that I have missed that you would like to add please do so.
DEADLINE: I ask that you bear with me on this because I work nites and dontget much time at the computer sometimes. Currently I would like to see the deadline set as Sept. 7. That is almost 3 weeks. If needed I can expand it but only if there is need for it.
Can't wait to hear from you all!