1st visit
One step at a time! We've all been there, and it is a nervous time. Get all your records ready, doctor recommendation, and medical records to prove the necessity. The more you give to prove the better. You will probably have to get the psych eval to send in with letter of recommendation to insurance. Then get a list from your doc on pre op things to work on, like gall bladder ultrasound etc.
hi tami...i took 3 diff. med records from 3 diff dr.s and at 1st they said they didn't need them then decided to take them,which was weird ,i always heard get all the info ya can.and they are doing the ins. thing now.they said that the dr sends the stuff to the ins. and i wait for the approval or not!! then they want me to do the psych. eval and dietary eval in the next few weeks ?so thats not gonna be going to ins.?it's gonna cost me $ 640 for those test,but ins. should reinburse me.and all the other test i have to do ,,,i can get done at naples cleve. clinic.gall bladder is out allready..thank god.and ins. said i didn't need dr recommendation..god now i wish i'd got one..i still can... i go by his office every day on my way to work..girl cross your fingers..united health is my ins..hope they're nice!!!!!!!! take care...diana